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Posts posted by Jan1k

  1. hi @AshesOfAden i tried this on phantasmal ridge but iss is running away and die. I will try it in SV because there are groups more separated. Regarding gems they are on my must have list but they are very expensive. But this is nothing new right in this game?! Thank you

    @NejJim thank you for confirmation that m.crit dmg is basically the most important for feoh. Thank you

  2. 1 hour ago, SmokeWeedEveryD said:

    Go farm aligator island with pom and bd , make a macro from keyboard direct not from game , put /next target on f1 and the rest all aoe skills and you will make turbo exp ...what about your abilities points ? 

    sorry but its not clear to me "with pom and bd" i have only one iss bd main and dual pom. i have only eva tank/titan dual, iss bd/hiero, feoh ss/necro

    I m still struggling to set up macro for iss to assist feoh. Its doing only buff and heal tank every 15seconds.

    what do you mean by "put /next target on f1 and the rest all aoe skills" 

    thank you for the answer i m still learning....

    1 hour ago, ABnD said:

    Did anybody bring up the point to change buster to retributor?  Especially with red libra going on right now 

    actually i've changed from retributer to buster because i hate the skin and also its not so different even buster has less matk around 60?! but its a bit faster.

    2 hours ago, Mete said:

    then play that, spectral is more of a second iss slot in party, POM gives more damage. and start saving up for a +7 or better Aden cloak, the rest of your gear is fine for your level. 

    by the way have you tried silent valley? it's mob groups and might be easier to handle (and better exp)

    yes i tried sv with my 3 chars but its not doable for now. i think i need full party or wait for tank to be 108.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Connex said:

    get that set (at a later time +20) for 70 element attack.. for now store it in WH... there are far more important upgrades that this.

    personally, I would get a +0 rind shirt after, they are cheap now, ( isaw one for 40b), then you can augument it, get some m crit damage augument. 

    which set you mean? i got the blessed exalted set for the circlet/agathion/ bracelet/sayha talisman

  4. 17 minutes ago, Uriel831 said:

    hi you mean Castilia 105, because Kartia still exist but different NPC.  I think you have little option. If you want XP must go on open field. But rememmber that on lvl 110 must XP in 102-105 area (with very good gear 108-112 area) or have characters that survive DMG of mobs in same/higher area as your level.  

    I did not to know if Tavern, Camila (Kecereus base), or Gracia is wothy to effort.

    thank you for reply.

    i m exping now in phantsmal ridge basically 24/7. i have 3 toons feoh storm screamer (107 97% to 108), eva tank (106 70% to 107) and spectral iss (106 70% to 107).

    feoh gear:


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