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Posts posted by pegaso

  1. 6 hours ago, Juji said:

    It is a Talisman of Baium in the package, but the talisman is NOT tradable. You also get 2 Talisman of Baium enchant scrolls with the package, but enchants can fail at +1. The enchant scrolls are NOT tradable either, but can be used on the Tradable version of the Talisman of Baium.




    Stats for Enchanted Talisman of Baium:
    Note: +2 is the most you can enchant up to for now since scrolls are not tradable and there are no additional ways to acquire them outside the 1 per account package.

    Enchant Level

    Enchant Effect


    P. Atk. +16, M. Atk. +23, CON/MEN +1, Cooldown -1%


    P. Atk. +50, M. Atk. +57, DEX/WIT/CON/MEN +1, Skill Power +1%, Cooldown -2%


    P. Atk. +92, M. Atk. +99, STR/INT/DEX/WIT/CON/MEN +1, Skill Power +1%, P./M. Critical Rate +10, Cooldown -3%


    P. Atk. +142, M. Atk. +149, STR/INT/DEX/WIT/CON/MEN +1, Damage Magic Resistance +2%, Skill Power +2%, P./M. Critical Rate +20, Cooldown -4%


    P. Atk. +201, M. Atk. +208, STR/INT/DEX/WIT/CON/MEN +1, Damage Magic Resistance +5%, Skill Power +3%, P./M. Critical Rate +30, Cooldown -7%

    This is nonsense, an item that cost a lot of grind, energy of insolence/talisman crystals/elemental stones. there are 3 items that will be no needed anymore with this change, and only free to 80+ players? do it for all or for no one, its ridiculous.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Katarina said:


    For a Brazilian player to be VIP 10, only after 7 months of work, these values for Brazil are impracticable.

    You could decrease the value or create a server within the reality of the South American Players.

    You can have up to 10 players who pay this amount, but it would be better to have 1000 paying 1/5 of this amount.

    10 * 1250 (VIP 10) = 12,500 (Current)

    100 * 250 (VIP 10) = 25,000
    200 * 250 (VIP 10) = 50,000

    You are losing money to pirate servers.

    Think about it.

    The vip 10 cost 1500 usd not 1250, and to mantain its like 375 usd per month.

  3. 11 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    That is just stupid. You're advocating for new players to create multiple accounts just so they can try to bot in an area that is already HEAVILY botted (and ruled by the bot's PK characters) for a week just so they can get armor to start leveling up the character they wanted to level up from the start. If you can't see what's wrong with that then you're part of the problem.



    im only suggesting a practical solution to a stupid problem, there are more bigger problems in this game, like all catacomb botted/spot high lvl botted, only 1 clastle habilitated, olympiads are bullshit, there is no content to fight in high lvl its only a farm game. And you see that u cant have full plate, full plate is useless in so many lvls, cuz there is no lvl penalty. u will expend like 6m to have fp, and its much better expend 12-15m for bw doom heavy.

  4. 11 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    Yes if you're rolling an alt it makes no sense but if you're an actual newbie to the game the price difference would cause a lot of sense to be potentially found. Even without being able to craft it a FP set is still less than half the price of BW or Doom.

    even being new at the game, u can let a few ponys kill in ruin of agony, in less than a week u will have bw or doom set full, cuz for less than 15m u can buy it.


    1 hour ago, calimo00 said:

    You mean buy some adena and go straight to B grade?

    If they are removing crafting from the game I guess that is the solution they are forcing on new players

    there is no need to buy adena. u can farm it by yourself. its slow, but not that hard. the game its easy till 79, at that lvl u can see how u will expend months to lvl just 1 lvl

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