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Posts posted by Mannark

  1. @Wissp Nice news that we'll have improvements on our server, but please please... DON'T forget of us mages. We need a farm place to level up and farm some adena too, fighters made their level up 90+ and gears on new toi. the gap between  toi and loa are enormous.  btw the gap between gk an titans and every other classes are huge, hope that impovements make others classes up like titans and gk, to at least make our classes even. thank you for trying.

  2. On 8/31/2022 at 4:34 PM, Wissp said:

    When I'm ready to make an alt, it will likely be a healer. For now, I'm going to try and focus on only one character, to gain a better understanding of how the game feels as you progress.

    lol @Wissp You start the game with a easy class with great aoe farm, as a former archer player (kinda easy too) we have some skills for aoe but need a plain area to farm. You will notice playing with more than 1 class the dificulties on the game. Pls make as many classes as you can, but you will see how hard is to advance on the game after the gap on gear from the big whales on the server. Hope we'll be really blessed that we have you on the NC team. Thank you!

  3. @Arctic @Hime next event make a minimum level for it, level 65 like. it will be a game changer on next events, boters have many chars who keep deleveling to low level areas. abandoned camp and cruma tower shouldn't drop that much adena as it do (rise the amount adena drop on hight level areas like lair of antharas/giant cave). itens on events would be drop to the bag, a lot of us aren't melees so we dont take many itens like a melee do, the event itens need to be imprint as a low level char wouldn't be able to participate like the last hidden key event.

  4. Would be a great improvement to the server if the kartia, kamaloka and this sort of things come to classic. The action house would be a strategic way to make the server economy great again. We need drops and adena in wall of argos. Please @Juji ? the sp is a problem too... we can't get the skill of lvl 78+ before get to the next level. Thank you for the last improves.

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