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The trap of pets.

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When you start essence most likely everyone will be getting pets around you. There will be this crazy fever of getting a pet, many ppl will even hunt atingo (champion mob which after killed might spawn you a pet) and sell you ability to kill pet(you kill pet npc and get the necklace to pick up) for adena.
But i need to warn you all pets are huge waste of time if you don't know what are you doing. They consume lots of food which is expensive at game start and hp potions as well, they need transform books and spellbooks which only drop from bosses or offer lootboxes. They make you use more sayha grace.  Most importantly they don't scale well to higher levels and become useless because you cant put any p2w items on pet to make them strong enough to be good help to pve. Also on higher level you will be outdpsing your pet so hard that they wont level at all and to level them you would have to take off your gun and reduce your own leveling speed. And don't forget you need to gear them.

Only 2 good pets are kookabura for people who want to aoe in beehive (triggers spawn of good exp mob) and strider because has good knockdown skill (works well even with high lvl difference)  which is good in olympiad pvp.


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