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Grace point consumption


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Hello, I was hoping to get more information on how grace point consumption works. I heard it's based on your xp gain. But ever since I hit lvl 78 my grace point consumption is way higher even tho I'm getting the same xp rate.

Can you tell me how grace point consumption is determined. Can grace consumption be affected by your pk count? Something is off, I literally went from needing 200 per day to needing 1000 per day. Please explain!

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24 minutes ago, Vegeta1326 said:

possibly the grace maintaining affect different in your hunting? i still havent fully figured out how that works.

Every time you pop anything to get sayhas, cookies/potion , it has a chanc e to proc 59 minutes of free grace maintained effect. This can stack up to 4 hrs worth, so it you just ate a stack of 50-100  potions, you could end up with 4 hrs free without really noticing it happened.

During the duration, your sayhas bar is just frozen in place, no matter how much you XP you gain. (its the optimal time to use gusts/storms and trans dungeon obviously, as double x zero cost is still zero.)

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6 minutes ago, Shalille said:

Every time you pop anything to get sayhas, cookies/potion , it has a chanc e to proc 59 minutes of free grace maintained effect. This can stack up to 4 hrs worth, so it you just ate a stack of 50-100  potions, you could end up with 4 hrs free without really noticing it happened.

During the duration, your sayhas bar is just frozen in place, no matter how much you XP you gain. (its the optimal time to use gusts/storms and trans dungeon obviously, as double x zero cost is still zero.)

ah so its rando chance. thanks thats the part that i couldnt figure out.

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Additionally, the free maintained 59 mins counts down even if your offline, as well as having a daily max of 4 hrs per day that you can get (resets at daily reset), so if you already got 4 hrs, maybe dont blow another 100 cookies right away/etc.

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Ok I know about al these things. Bit the part that I dont understand is before I used to be able to go to sleep and wake up with saya. Now I cant. Same xp rate and also accounting for the sayha freeze. I literally go through 25 levels in less than 2 hours...

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sayha consumption is based on XP and ammount of mobs killed...
if xp is low, u will take 8-12 mobs per 0.01%, if xp get higher, will be 6 mobs per 0.01% sg... i dunno exacly the math, but b4 updates was 6 mobs per 0.01%( W/o gust/storm), now xp matter... but its something like that...

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So, i watched for the sayhas luck thing. i do get the shiny glittery sg  but it is NOT frozen, it still takes my sg.  It does not show anything different on the tooltip either. so for all the chars i been playing i have never seen it frozen for a duration. What is it i am seeing then? 

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Hi Klarra. 

So on your screen you click on the sayhas thing on the top right side bar, and it pops up the Sayas Grace info box on the right. In my screen below it shows Sayhas Grace x0 , and the bar is 99% , cos I just ate about 4 cookies raised 25% each. And one of them must have procced the effect.




Next you move your mouse over that Sayhas Grace bar on the right (where it shows the 99%) and it pops up the extra info 5 lines of text.




You wanna check the bottom line "Grace maintaining effect" , it almost always will be grey and say "Not Applied" ..but if you got the lucky proc then it will show a timer left counting down from 59min. Mine shows 57 mins left . (It can have up to 3 hrs 59 min if you got it 4 times)

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