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abuse from epidemic kill ncsof loses money of many players who leave to defend a single clan


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On 3/28/2022 at 2:23 AM, Antonia said:


gm please sancion our agan something or that the pk are more sanctioned is abuse to walk pekeando to all the server always do the same

even when they allow abuses every day more go more player  ncsof loses money of many players who leave to defend a single clan

Look mom, i'm on tv!!!

Yeah so what?

First things first: we didn't pk. We got no karma as you can see.

Second things second: 99% of the players killed are BD and adena farmers, so instead of being bothered, you should be thanksful .

We ran around cause i wanted to mock my friend WaveRide since he was showing off how good he was by being on PVP ranking while i was not...so we (me and darken) went around to and killed boxes that we have "WAR" with. Cause all those clans are flagged as WAR to us. 

I speak for me and my cp, but we don't go around PK randoms, as you can see, again, we never PKd. 

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whats epidemic is one plague in elcadia pk all day new player (VALKIRIE ) KILL new player in low zones all day abuse new player only want play lineage is not war only kill all player low is new guild in elcadia ?????????

epidemic only abuse player low level

example new player only buy hero pack and free items

epidemic pk low player (epidemic $$$$ usd eu ) full equip and weapon and kill player low ????

killing low level all day low player drop equip is not have coins our adena lose equip for pks epidemic ????

only abuse

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7 minutes ago, Antonia said:

whats epidemic is one plague in elcadia pk all day new player (VALKIRIE ) KILL new player in low zones all day abuse new player only want play lineage is not war only kill all player low is new guild in elcadia ?????????

epidemic only abuse player low level

example new player only buy hero pack and free items

epidemic pk low player (epidemic $$$$ usd eu ) full equip and weapon and kill player low ????

only abuse

Then do us a favor, start throwing tons of $ to NCWest, buy a lot of gear, join Doom and come pvp us. Be a part of the change! Stop the Plague! Join Doom today and help'em eradicate the Epidemic curse out of Elcadia.


Otherwise stop writing nosense and go cry in a corner, idk, just saying. 

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yes player only lvl 70 76 and not have tablet for skill and farmer adena for progress in the game pvp ??? loser in epidemic only greater spender 10k 20k 30k usd and more ??

kill player new and only 0ne and two wekk in the game and kill ? for losers (epidemic )

epidemic is very good guilds (pk lower and new player )

fight garden antaras  siegue     with the other server  have war not to abuse new people who just want to play and have fun

valkirie kills characters all over the map can not fight with his same level a hero killing box and new characters that is not abuse ?

long ago frankie said that he defended the entire server of abusers and asks revenge in that they became a plague that must abuse the others to advance and when they have to fight with the other server they give him a good beating

so bored are in epidemic  ( Frank and Nath)  that since they do not win anything against the other server frank who has spent thousands of dollars in the game is not even hero that they send those of the clan to kill new players who just want to have fun

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Nobody sends nobody. We ain't pets. If Valk goes around and PK boxes and new players, that's between the 2 of you, not "epidemic killing server". Unless it turns out Valk is clan leader or CP leader, he speaks for himself alone. 

Also if we were all big spenders who spent 10-30k USD and more, we'd be dominating ez clap both servers, but since we're not, we are enjoying PVP against other server.
Sometimes. 50/50. If they are not twice our numbers. If they don't use programs..OK, SOMETIMES. 

There's no "good beating". We dominated X-Servers as long as they were relevant, right now going pvp for garden is pointless since the best items are books that are common among mid-top players, they don't need it either at this point. Also dimensional siege is kinda worthless since the only decent reward is for 1 player only while the others gets no reward at all. Not to mention that the dimensional siege system is garbo. Just like the olys. Just like the clan war system. Just like the p2w abuse-casino system. 



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who is leader guild ?

if you tell me that they are cp maybe they do not have a leader that by one or two players who are dedicated to only putting evil to epidemic annoying everyone where their leader is? frank nath ? or it's simply clan policy to abuse new players by players put epidemic like garbage

they turn their clan into the garbage of elcadia or you do not know how to read the chat of world all day to your friend valkirie and epidemic only earn bad reputation when it was a good clan now it became the plague of elcadia the abusive garbage of new ones that arrive every day and leave for you?????? maybe not everyone has the right to play or EPIDEMIC OWNS THE SERVER

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9 hours ago, Antonia said:

yes player only lvl 70 76 and not have tablet for skill and farmer adena for progress in the game pvp ??? loser in epidemic only greater spender 10k 20k 30k usd and more ??

kill player new and only 0ne and two wekk in the game and kill ? for losers (epidemic )

epidemic is very good guilds (pk lower and new player )

fight garden antaras  siegue     with the other server  have war not to abuse new people who just want to play and have fun

valkirie kills characters all over the map can not fight with his same level a hero killing box and new characters that is not abuse ?

long ago frankie said that he defended the entire server of abusers and asks revenge in that they became a plague that must abuse the others to advance and when they have to fight with the other server they give him a good beating

so bored are in epidemic  ( Frank and Nath)  that since they do not win anything against the other server frank who has spent thousands of dollars in the game is not even hero that they send those of the clan to kill new players who just want to have fun

I see you are still insistent on being disproportionate and fictitious about Epidemic and my actions.


Firstly your Main is SoydeLomasTurbo, you and all your boxes/alts are at war with epidemic. Thus i act on this war accordingly withing the game rules and will PK this clan and your boxes until said war is ended.


Now as to the why i focus on your alts and clan...

You chose to come to blazing with all your alts (And Main SoydeLomasTurbo) to get the quest rewards, that is fine. after all players who want this quest and its rewards Epidemic ask that you flag for pvp (turn your name pink) so that we can control the last hit reward mechanic of this Word PVP event Boss. You Choose to not do this, so we have to PK to avoid all 39 in your clan attempting last hit. 

We asked you for 3 Three Days to do as the whole server does and you did not. 


You also chose to hit the boss with your main the proceed to go and farm the exp of the mobs in this PVP area, so we PK you. You choose to hit the lanterns after the event (in a PVP Zone) So we PK you. After 3 days of asking you to stop you CHOOSE to continue doing your own thing. - War Declared.


So congratulations on earning a War flag. and I hope you continue to enjoy you, your alts and your clan being targeted for this.


So now lets discuss the personal reasons as to why I Act harsher than the most in Epidemic.


While I was doing my round clearing off war tags around the map  you,  SoydeLomasTurbo chose to shout from your alts in world chat something I take very personally.  In Short, After a few PKs on your clan (which has War) you chose to slander me in several languages to the extent of accusing me of a RMT transaction fraud, PayPal transaction  fraud and other fictitious remarks/accusations. something which I have not and will not ever partake in. I have all these screenshots but they are not needed to justify my actions in game with your Clan,  you and your alts.

Now it seems you are moudling to the extent of signing into the forum on all these alt accounts to continue to be deceitful, slander and be dishonest and downright petty about a in game mechanic which has existed since Lineage release.

So stop being so childish and please stop with this dishonest behaviour.

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This is by far the silliest video I have ever seen. Epidemic has wars with all those clans and the fact that you cant see it only shows how ignorant you are to playing the game. You think they are abusing the system, when it clearly shows them pvping war tags. I think you need to re think playing this game if you dont understand the mechanics of it/ or have no knowledge of such things. 

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3 hours ago, Karmeligullo said:

War? What war? One button click to add sword over your head is a war? :DDDDDDD

Then 2 ppl kills 100 afk ppl? :D

The person that recorded the video clearly wasnt in epidemic or getting killed by epidemic and clearly cant see the wars the members of epidemic have so why all the drama? because someone doesnt understand the game mechanics and thinks that some players are just killing for the sake of killing. Oh wait didnt that happen a few months ago when members of doom did that? but thats not the point. The point is that some guy recorded a video 'pretending to show epidemic members in a bad light but clearly the video doesnt do that. FYI next time learn how to play the game before you start crying ... just saying.

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50 minutes ago, KilllerCottonBall said:

The person that recorded the video clearly wasnt in epidemic or getting killed by epidemic and clearly cant see the wars the members of epidemic have so why all the drama? because someone doesnt understand the game mechanics and thinks that some players are just killing for the sake of killing. Oh wait didnt that happen a few months ago when members of doom did that? but thats not the point. The point is that some guy recorded a video 'pretending to show epidemic members in a bad light but clearly the video doesnt do that. FYI next time learn how to play the game before you start crying ... just saying.

Maybe they do not kill all but for sure they kill who they want to. If they dont like you they just click one button and kill you for all the day. For you this is "mechanic" is ok? Of course game the game design allow this, but it does not change the fact that many ppl are already corrupted by posessed power/bad game design and think they rule the world. It is not only about epi but also.

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2 hours ago, Karmeligullo said:

Maybe they do not kill all but for sure they kill who they want to. If they dont like you they just click one button and kill you for all the day. For you this is "mechanic" is ok? Of course game the game design allow this, but it does not change the fact that many ppl are already corrupted by posessed power/bad game design and think they rule the world. It is not only about epi but also.

I see your point, however this game is pvp (player vr player) no matter how you put it or what server it is there's always going to be an imbalance of power between the ones that have 1. better gear and are more experienced in pvp and 2. the casual player or the pve players. Every server has that problem. The fact that this server has a clan running everything has absolutely nothing to do with it.  Logistically speaking  the leader of epidemic had a fantastic idea from the start and thats why this clan has dominated the server since day one.  I get that some people have an issue with it, I get that some people like the author of the original post  dont like it but my question is, why have all this drama on forums and call people out for what you think  they are doing wrong when the game was designed to be this way? and also the fact that all these posts about epidemic are created and originated by one individual just because he didnt like getting his  countless alts and main toon dropped after epidemic declared war on his clan?.. just saying...

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9 hours ago, KilllerCottonBall said:

I see your point, however this game is pvp (player vr player) no matter how you put it or what server it is there's always going to be an imbalance of power between the ones that have 1. better gear and are more experienced in pvp and 2. the casual player or the pve players. Every server has that problem. The fact that this server has a clan running everything has absolutely nothing to do with it.  Logistically speaking  the leader of epidemic had a fantastic idea from the start and thats why this clan has dominated the server since day one.  I get that some people have an issue with it, I get that some people like the author of the original post  dont like it but my question is, why have all this drama on forums and call people out for what you think  they are doing wrong when the game was designed to be this way? and also the fact that all these posts about epidemic are created and originated by one individual just because he didnt like getting his  countless alts and main toon dropped after epidemic declared war on his clan?.. just saying...

If they are strong enough to control all objectives on the servers then why not do to this, however I just talk about harrassment on "random" peoples on regular hunting zones. You say that they declare wars on the clans and they kill them, but what war is it if to begin the war you just need to put enemy clan name in your clan enemy list and that's it? This way you can add all clans on the server to your enemy list and you can kill all people everywhere. You still will say they can kill them because they have war while second side is not even aware they are part of war? For some people it is enough if you stay near to them on the hunting spot to "declare war". I just think that even if rules do not forbid some actions it does not mean you must do it. This is caused by lack of in-game penalties for PK and missing real war system, but does it mean you must behave this way? Game design in one thing but players behaviour is another.

I write this in hope for the change the game pvp/pk system in the future (i know it may not happen soon or even ever).

The current system combined with players behaviour cause that 20 people kill other 200 and the 20 people are happy while the 200 is frustrated.

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14 hours ago, whichking said:

This server is dying, how do i know, just look at the items for sale, it is much less than a month ago; its going the same way as the classic L2 game etc. a real pity 😞

epidemic destroy the server

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NO epidemic plays the game according to the rules, perhaps the PK rules need modifying, and TBH i would play the same as epidemic if i was in their clan

that is the way of L2, it's why i have played L2 since i started on the way back on the origional L2 when i was in Exile clan.

I am not in Epidemic but play solo, as i am a 'carer' and cannot commit to clan events.

TBH I see Epidemic as the new Exile, after all winner takes all in the L2 tradition 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

What you saw is neither PVP nor "farm on players who are not on pc", that's me and darken killing adena farmers. Cause if you were able to use ur eyes the right way, you'd see that 99% of the toons dying are: dwarves, war cryers and blade dancers. In alt clans that are made for adena farming. 


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