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PK is NOT PvP.


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  PvP is when two or more individuals engage in player vs player combat. PK is just murder and should be punished this has always been the case in L2 and is how the game was designed. If you keep the pk system in place the servers will not last another year all my friends have already quit sadly .  Atm the punishment for pk is nothing and that is the reason it takes place.  

  I can think of a few punishments to PK that would slow it down and make the game more enjoyable for all. But i will only list one will leave the rest of the ideas for you guys.

 1. Sayha's Blessing turned off (no xp or adena for red) untill karma is clean.

So what do you guys think would be a fair punishment to pk?



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  • pks not allowed in town
  • teleport function disabled (previously had to talk to gk npc)
  • pks don't cause xp loss and item drop

Teleport was one of the biggest complaints in classic. PKs still can't talk to npcs and teleport was not possible since you had to talk to gatekeeper. Since you don't need to talk to gk anymore they can still teleport. The easy and instant teleports is ridiculous when combined with pk and pvp. None of this was possible in classic when back in the days people were doing /unstuck. Just traveling was part of the game. Think about how different the gameplay is when people were running to save teleport costs. 

illegal servers are allowing lcoin to be farmable which trivializes the xp loss. This wasn't even an option in classic. You needed a bishop. Now it's "insert coin" for everything. Money ruins everything. They turned this game into an arcade instead of simply making a good game. The game is already at the point where you have to pay lcoin to kill a mob. 

There are too many issues when you get into it. The only real solution is a separate pvp and pve server. 

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