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Lets move Wynn back to game, Please.


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Dear Development community!

I'm playing in l2 a long time. And I with all soul love this game.

My Main class always I try pick Wynn Summoner. But! In game we have very hard disbalance to Wynn Summoner relate other classes.
I talking about this Items:
- Any belts "Damage +/- not work on servitors".
- Jewels effect "+ PvP damage, - received PvP damage"
- Dragon Rind shirt Live Stone effect(Buff) not applies on servitors.
- Elmore cloak effect "P.PvE Damage for All monsters +%"
- God's Accessory Rigs -> toggle effect can't be used in "Naviarope" transformation - GOD RINGS OMG PRICE FOR THIS.
And the last is "PvE/PvP damage increasing" from PvE/PvP Sets effects. I can't use 110 Leviathan gear due losing a lot of damage. It's Honestly? I want to play in game, But it's so hard. Can you, please, do something with this balance? At least much expensive equipment.
To all of this I want Add the "Forgotten spells"
Where 31lv effect "Damage +10" Or "Receive -10%" Not applies on servitor too.
In game added so much stuffs, but they total useless for this game class.

- Add to skill "Sharing Equipment":

  • Weapons & Circlet Live Stone effects.
  • PvP/PvE Damage bonuses from Armor.
  • All damage bonuses from belts
  • Cloak - P.PvE Damage for All monsters

- Update Naviarope:

  • Allow to use God's Accessory toggle skills in transformation.
  • Add 1 new skill to debuff enemies and this skill should up "Link of Loyalty" on servitors

Update buff from Dragon Shirt Live Sone to this buff applies on servitors too.
And add to "Forgotten Power" 31 lv update to apply this bonus to servitors too.

With respect - your customer.

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