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Everything posted by CiBlocker

  1. Any attribute in weapon. Any magic weapon Yes, Wynn become full wiz class. So only wiz gear is usefull for wynn.
  2. My custom OBT server. To more ez testing classes I made x4 classes in 1 char using only sub class mechanics.
  3. Yes. It's show difference between physical and magical classes. Magical classes can early show high impact result, but finally they're casters. Which lose the top impact on end game. It's or wrong damage balance or the Gullotine boss have M.def a lot more than P.def., no clear data to compare the clear stats. Here I can't right tell why so big difference. But one I know exactly - wiz classes with this up too 100% crit rate - more comfortable become. Coz real damage test hard to create. Because each mob/boss have different P/M def. All clearly stats able to see in real big war pvp. How self shows each class.
  4. This video about main new with summoner. https://youtu.be/DweSSc9awns Here main damage rotation for magic classes as test. https://youtu.be/NKi8Nq7fopU Here real situation with damage of magic classes. https://youtu.be/dL_nSGRItZo Any questions welcome. I'm open for discussion.
  5. Vampiric with DN skill not work ever in main version. Class balance. Vampiric work only with common attack.
  6. Atm wynn broken. NCsoft have A plans to reworks wynn in next patches. https://lineage2.plaync.com/board/l2awknfree/view?articleId=63a1b972671c5d4284d12af7&categoryId=639277d9ea0f71034cd9b387 https://ibb.co/qD3kbW9
  7. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/25472-lets-move-wynn-back-to-game-please/ Get additional attention on this question. This question is ignored for years. So I'll hope in you with all heart.
  8. When you send to developers issue what wynn aren't playable? This balance create no Korean developers. This disbalance create your added new Items what too bad works on servitors. Example: Cloak PvE passive bonus damage. Heir's Radiance (PvE damage) Bloody/dark freya runes (PvE 15% damage) God's accessory(toggle) can't be used in "Naviarope" Belts bonus damage. All of this in disbalance bug, You realy so lazy to try do something with it? And you tried at all? Not much Items. But look at numbers: Cloak 20% damage, Rune 15% damage, Sayha ring 35% damage, Belts up to 10% damage ~ 104% of damage lost just be unwillingness to do something. Why? You sent reports to developers this issues. Why they not listen, or you do not sent?
  9. From start use attribute, servitors have 100% of Wynn Summoners attribute attack... If you not believe, I can record the video.
  10. You are total noob with playing on wynn... I'm Wynn a long time, And wynn can deal own TOP only with common attack in 3 weapons...
  11. Summoner have the hardest character to play. So if you new In game, You can start with him, He easy plays as start game, Untill 107 lvl. But next you confront with hardest in game building and game style to deal sane damage as other classes. So I not recomend to start play with Wynn if you not ready to total abstract your mind.
  12. What's the point with new community member, If u not listen us? Not send to developer our feedback for content or suggestions for improvement in game? What you doing only useless LOOTBOXES, only Pay to with, where normal game balance? We want to play in game. If game is good, people want to pay to you. Do not think about that?
  13. Dear Development community! I'm playing in l2 a long time. And I with all soul love this game.My Main class always I try pick Wynn Summoner. But! In game we have very hard disbalance to Wynn Summoner relate other classes.I talking about this Items:- Any belts "Damage +/- not work on servitors".- Jewels effect "+ PvP damage, - received PvP damage"- Dragon Rind shirt Live Stone effect(Buff) not applies on servitors.- Elmore cloak effect "P.PvE Damage for All monsters +%"- God's Accessory Rigs -> toggle effect can't be used in "Naviarope" transformation - GOD RINGS OMG PRICE FOR THIS.And the last is "PvE/PvP damage increasing" from PvE/PvP Sets effects. I can't use 110 Leviathan gear due losing a lot of damage. It's Honestly? I want to play in game, But it's so hard. Can you, please, do something with this balance? At least much expensive equipment. To all of this I want Add the "Forgotten spells" Where 31lv effect "Damage +10" Or "Receive -10%" Not applies on servitor too. In game added so much stuffs, but they total useless for this game class. Issue: - Add to skill "Sharing Equipment": Weapons & Circlet Live Stone effects. PvP/PvE Damage bonuses from Armor. All damage bonuses from belts Cloak - P.PvE Damage for All monsters - Update Naviarope: Allow to use God's Accessory toggle skills in transformation. Add 1 new skill to debuff enemies and this skill should up "Link of Loyalty" on servitors Update buff from Dragon Shirt Live Sone to this buff applies on servitors too. And add to "Forgotten Power" 31 lv update to apply this bonus to servitors too. With respect - your customer.
  14. Bug already fixed(I tested), no reason talk about this now
  15. Yes, Mine dual class is khavatary. And I no see lose HP, because I not use Ability bug
  16. Fixed issue with Ability Point distribution. May be u use bug no know about this?
  17. HEEEEEEEEY WHAT HAPPENED? "Savange" - chaos skill. Now have fixed CD. It's normal? No in patch notes. Are you serious? https://ibb.co/4d393DX
  18. I know what give eva's talisman, But rates is too low, how much boxes u spend on this +6?
  19. Hi all, I'm new here. With this evens with "Seed of revenge" we can trade 25 seed + 1 mil adena on "Eva's talisman box". So, I'm farmed 1 week and buy 60 boxes. From they I could not enchant 1 talisman on +4, All brakes from +3 to +4, It's normal? I have had 14 +3 eva's talismans. Where I can see enchanting changes?
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