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Doubt about augments on cloaks who falls from +10 & +15


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Hi guys, my answer is, if I bought a cloak less than +10/+15 with augment/s, the augment still working? I can see on pasives the augment on +7 cloak, I supose still working bcs no find info about cancel augment effect if it drops from level , hope it's working 😅 sorri for my bad english.

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First augment will only work if cloak is +10 or higher, if enchant drops below, the augment will be disabled until the cloak is +10 or higher again

Second augment will only work if cloak is +15 or higher, if enchant drops below, the augment will be disabled until the cloak is +15 or higher again

You just need to read the website promotions when they are posted



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