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Passive - Light Amor Mastery - Dominator


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15 hours ago, Santac0 said:

The passive skill for the use of light armor indicates the following statistics:

P. Def. +129
Casting Spd. +90%
Atk. Spd. +25%
MP Recovery Bonus +20% 


When I equip a light equipment I don't see these stats applied to the PJ.

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?


It's 90% of your base casting speed (You have 100% in robe, and -10% that means that 90% of your base cst.spd in Light armor) so is not a plus. Skill has misstype as a lot of Lineage 2 skills when devs translates it from Korean to English. Also you won't notice an increase of atk.spd because Orc Mage has Magician's Attitude that increase atk.spd wearing Robe Armor (and it gives 25% too).

So if you're playing as mage go for MJ set and NM robe helmet. 

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