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Tyrr Maestro Next Steps


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Hello dear friends, I want to ask you a question regarding my Tyrr Maestro. First I am lvl 107, 58%. With a lot of effort I managed to buy all the Rune Stones for the skills (Spirit of Golem, Divine Expansion, Divine Inspiration, Force Intention). I did many Olympiads and managed to enchant many of my skills. And with a LOT of fishing, I managed to collect about 35b of adena (I know it's little, but keep in mind that I did all this without donating any money, because I don't have the resources to do so). I would like you to guide me and recommend me which is the best path for me to follow. I was thinking a lot about buying a Fancy Rod so I could fish more. Do you think I should continue collecting more Adena? How much do you think I would need to have better armor and weapons? which would be? Is it better to continue leveling up (even though I'm going at a snail's pace)? I would really like your advice and I think I am not the only player with these characteristics, that is, not having the resources to pay and speed up the process... I think they would not only help me, but also many in my situation... Thank you in advance! (Google Translation, sorry!!)

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I'm not a Maestro, I'm an archer. Yes of course you will always need Adena. Regarding your armor, your exalted armour should suffice until at least 110. There are so many other things besides armour you will need.

You will need Jewels, Artifacts, Agathions, Talismans.

You will benefit from Homuculos, Tomes, collections, relics but those will come later.

If you're not in a Clan you absolutely should join one, make sure you're comfortable in it and a good one will have daily or constant XP parties. Parties provide damage dealers to gain XP and support people to help with boosts and protection.

Try doing the "Instances" daily as well, obviously the ones that suit your level, that will get you XP.

When you outgrow your exalted weapon and armour then it's another story, you'll need scrolls to enchant and stones to augmemt.

Hope I helped.

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