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difference between elf/human/dark elf mages?


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hi all! im gonna join a friend here on the classic server and im trying to decide what class to play but he never played mages before so neither of us really know much about them.

could someone give me a quick overview of the different mage classes like pros and cons or a quick summary of each?

i was looking at the Human Sorcerer/Elven Spellsinger/Dark Elf Spellhowler

what are things i should know about each and what makes them different aside from the effects looking like fire, water or wind lol

appreciate the help

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Human: Its the most balanced race. Sorcerer is KING of aoe it's running on fire element and almost 50% of mobs are weaken to fire.

Elf: Race based in dextery, mana and critical rates. Spellsinger has a lot of mana, casting speed and m. crits but not so much m.atak. (more hits=more BSS=expensive)

D. Elf: Race based in critical damage and power (STR and INT). Spellhowler has strong m.atak but low mana and casting speed. High critical damage.


Spellsinger looks to be the best in this "chronicle" but I personaly prefer Sorcerer, more balanced and reliable.

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1 minute ago, dorukasama said:

Human: Its the most balanced race. Sorcerer is KING of aoe it's running on fire element and almost 50% of mobs are weaken to fire.

Elf: Race based in dextery, mana critical rates. Spellsinger has a lot of mana, casting speed and m. crits but not so much m.atak. (more hits=more BSS=expensive)

D. Elf: Race based in critical damage and power (STR and INT). Spellhowler has strong m.atak but low mana and casting speed. High critical damage.


Spellsinger looks to be the best in this "chronicle" but I personaly prefer Sorcerer, more balanced and reliable.

thanks! does spellsinger have aoe? i dont really like fire and always go with ice as its my favorite but usually ice sucks lol  if water class is viable (u mentioned it seems to be the strongest this chronicle) then i would probable go for that unless there is a clear reason not to. thats kinda why i made the post haha im so used to ice/water being shit in most games that im scared to pick it here

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7 minutes ago, Melilurks said:

thanks! does spellsinger have aoe? i dont really like fire and always go with ice as its my favorite but usually ice sucks lol  if water class is viable (u mentioned it seems to be the strongest this chronicle) then i would probable go for that unless there is a clear reason not to. thats kinda why i made the post haha im so used to ice/water being shit in most games that im scared to pick it here

Yes it has AOE but as far as I know just 2 skills, Sorcerer ends up having 3 AOE. Spellsinger is called "the best" because of his magical citical rate. It crits often and helps pve and pvp but I personaly I dont like to rely just on criticals, that's why I prefer Sorcerer. Also if you dont crit you gotta use more blessed spirithosts to kill your target and that costs a lot of adena/gold/money; and the economy isnt that easy at the moment.

But anyway, you gotta play the clasas you like. So give it a try to that elf, if you dont end up liking you can always reroll.

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The differences between races aside.

Sps and Sorc have Cancel. SH has Silence. Sorc is the only one not having over-hit.

The most important difference - only SH has Curse Death Link. Making it's farm the most efficient by a mile.

For all 3 you'd want boxed rechargers if going solo(duo/trio etc). All of them are viable in AoE. Sorc most but not as impactful as for example CDL is.

Imo - SH is best all things considered. Sps is best in pvp and Sorc is lackluster - trying to do what Sps does but worse (but is the most under represented and some people like that)

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1 hour ago, ThreeNill said:

The differences between races aside.

Sps and Sorc have Cancel. SH has Silence. Sorc is the only one not having over-hit.

The most important difference - only SH has Curse Death Link. Making it's farm the most efficient by a mile.

For all 3 you'd want boxed rechargers if going solo(duo/trio etc). All of them are viable in AoE. Sorc most but not as impactful as for example CDL is.

Imo - SH is best all things considered. Sps is best in pvp and Sorc is lackluster - trying to do what Sps does but worse (but is the most under represented and some people like that)

i see well the sps was my choice due to the water element and as it doesnt seem to be the worst class in the game like most other games, ill go fo that one! i wouldve gone for SH but i just dont like the way the spells look lol also.... sps gets a unicorn from 20-40?!? i mean thats a +100000 haha

as for a box what would be the best recharge?  my boyfriend plays a glad and has a pp (cleric) box so i can get some of those buffs but it doesnt have recharge. which recharge buff compliments pp buffs? would se be a good option cuz it has empower and vr on top of the pp buffs for both my boyfriend and myself?   but then again ee has clarity for 20% less mana use but no empower or vr :/ 

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