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how to check that I do not use anything illegal when playing


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Hello, I would like to share my experience with you and look for a possible solution in the future.
A week ago we just lost 3 accounts with a friend, which we received very bad attention from the support. 1 acc lvl 40 buffer other 2 secondary acc with a bit of adena lvl 20 beginning to make spoiler to collect materials.
Now after losing accounts, we decided to continue playing because we really like it, apart from that we have more friends playing which do not want us to stop playing.
What I would like to know now is how and what guarantees us that in the future we will go back to being banned. Do we have any way of proving that we are innocent? what form and if it exists.
now we play with the fear of being banned without using any external program.
Well I hope you can give me some ideas and help in the future, if you take pictures of the game every time or how you can achieve to show the innocence that we are playing legally
thank you very much good game! we hope that soon they can find a solution to this serious problem


excuse my english but I use google translator:S

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