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[Gludio] Team Instinct EU/NA Recruiting


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Team Instinct

Hello everyone,

lvl 3,fresh, english speaking, international clan Instinct is now recruiting members

First things first, who are we?

Founders of Instinct are a group of EU people in which friendship goes back to almost 15 years now, we came
on Gludio to leave a mark, trough our actions and deeds. We want to set up active, healthy community, within 
the clan, with the right attitude. We're active but not hardcore, simple minded people who want to have fun
playing Lineage 2.

We are not CP based clan, so we're recruiting small groups or just solo players.
Only requirement so far is, that you need to be lvl 30+

What Instinct can offer you?

-peacefull enviroment
-new friendships
-benefits of daily clan rewards
-clan hall benefits (soon)
-so far 6% xp
-clan lvl 3 for boxes (also 6% xp)

What we require from you?

-Daily activity (if you're not able to play, try to atleast login for 30 min)
-Be able to participate in clan activities
-Willing to help other clan members when they are in need
-If you're going to be absent for longer period of time, let us know (otherwise it will lead to clan removal)
-Use Discord (vocal communication is encouraged)
-be respectfull to each other

What are our aims?

We aim to be well recognized on the server, to be able to pull out successfull sieges, be available to 
do RBs on daily basis and have some healty PvP in the meantime. 

All in all, we're a small community aiming to become big

For any questions, feel free to contact:

DISCORD:             INGAME
Vetrie#8618           Vetr
Drejko#1352          Drejko

Or join our discord channel: 


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