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Everything posted by InnayamI

  1. When I started the game, the only active servers are chronos and naia. Chronos is way worse than naia can provide for me, but it's the only stable server that I saw back in that time. I am not really forcing anyone; I just made a suggestion and see how many would agree or not. Seeing only one cared to comment on this, and a negative one too, is unfortunate, but I have no choice but to accept it. Still, this server is the only stable server I have played that lasted very long, so I will just have to live with it coz L2 is life
  2. I don't know why some people are so negative about this. Clearly, a lot of people needs it, so how about stop the resistance and go to Mars!!!
  3. Admin has no information about the next red libra yet. Let's try to up the demand and maybe they will put it up in their schedule
  4. Castle siege is currently in every other Sunday 8pm, but in the other side of the world it's 3am -5am in Monday. I do not know if a lot of people would be happy about this idea, but wouldn't be nice to have the siege in Saturday at same time instead? That would be 5am for me on Sunday. Doing it on Monday will disrupt my sleep and will really affect my performance at work. I am sure some players here have the same situation, just having Sat and Sunday's event swapped would be fair. I know I am a 1 hit dead in the siege but I am really missing it lol. So I guess I am saying not just for myself...I guess. Anyway, pls consider giving it some thoughts. Thanks Juji and devs team and more power :)
  5. Yeah Juji told me it will be at late summer. So probably next month. Just wanna exaggerate that live server players wants libra too. Not just classic. But still all I can do is wait
  6. My main is Feoh so I'm not speaking for myself. I just feel bad for them that in afk farming or timed zone, they're force to pull mobs and stay awake while other classes can go afk. And if they go afk even just 3min, they get kicked while others can go afk 10-20min and comes back to check. It isn't just fair for them and I feel really bad for them. So I'm thinking maybe you guys adjust their provoke skill range up to double that only attracts unprovoked mobs and keep tank's provoke skill to normal. In that way, the party can give tyrr class some worth and can be helpful even when he is afk too. We're fully engaged in afk farming anyway, why not make it fair for all. And most important thing, can we have red libra? Thanks
  7. I hope it's the best libra ever because of this delay. I respect you a lot but you should be a man of your word. Don't be indecisive. Stick to what you say or else...nothing because I'm just a nobody
  8. ??? Roses are red Violets are blue Didn't get anythng but 5h|t from last event but RED LIBRA will do???
  9. Hi Juji and fellow admins! In all of our current crisis situation going on in the world, may I ask when is red libra event? I could use some good news I hope it's soon... Cheers XOXO
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