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Posts posted by cancerdancer1337

  1. this would ruin the economy completely. you can buy NC shop items and sell them. that is no different than buying adena, except that another player is involved in the trade not the trade shop. This is creating a flow of items and adena instead of you just buying adena from the shop. That would also lower the amount of overall items in game as top traders buy boxes with adena. Those boxes turn into items, then sold into market. So you would have adena but nothing to spend it on. This would entirely cripple the trading done in game. this is VERY basic economics, cant just print money.

  2. summoners need to be completely reworked. it would be better for the whole server if the summons were more of an animation during attacks than a physical presence on the server. i know thats a huge change for the class, but since the 4x summons broke every server, the whole thing needs to be changed.

  3. Party Cakes seem to be timed a few min shorter than the past. Its been a while since i chained cakes, but i remember setting timers for 39 min and having time to drop the new cake before buff was over. Now i set the timer 35 and sometimes cake is gone sometimes 2 min left.  Anyone else notice this?

  4. 2 hours ago, Gizzer said:

    this is a 17 year old game which began development in 2000? or 2001, it runs on unreal engine 2.5, some things are limited by the technology used in the game, being an old game might mean that it will run smooth on our pcs 20 years late but it also bares the limitations of its technology that was used back then.

    Please break down the steps for the optimization that is required to improve the servers for the team as well for us, the non tech-savy people.

    imagine trying to put a CD rom into a USB thunderbolt 3 slot.

  5. 3 minutes ago, extase1987 said:

    The only think that bugs me, is the way they do it. Ask Amazon, Facebook, Google etc to be down during 12 hours in a row & later down again after a day, what would people think about it.

    those are multi billion dollar companies with entire dedicated sever farms. one or 2 go down for maint you wont notice in their service. L2 has 4 servers? not really a fair comparison.

  6. On 2/8/2021 at 5:42 PM, KuppoRoo said:

    This is why we need a public rate table for every item these gambling boxes, Nexon maplestory and mihoyo genshin impact were forced by law to this, i wonder what makes NCSOFT different.

    you do know nexon owned ncsoft for several years right? that's when the pay to win model was introduced. NC bought themselves back, but kept the model going.

  7. we set goals as players. we track our xp per hr. we find the best spots and combos to get us and those with us the most xp in the shortest time. we do our own testing on skills and stats because the UI is just an outdated liar. yet our biggest setback...is the lack of game management. we honestly get set back in game by decisions (or more commonly lack there of) made by our GM(General Manager not Game Master obviously) and his "team".

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  8. have you guys ever used the internet before? they have a server admin for dummies out there.....

    i cant xp? these items i spend cash on? monthly sub plus destiny? and i cant log in? basic bleepin math? maybe you didn't see the covid rush coming 4 months ago? im normally not one to bleep but this is just a sad sad job done. you give us dandy as compensation.....DANDY BALLD DO NOT STACK WITH CURRENT EVENT ITEMS. VIT FROM DANDY BALL IS USELESS WE HAVE VIT RUNE....COMCAST HAS BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE. maybe take a class?...have you guys ever played this game? or any game? this is just insulting, once again.



    and bad spelling

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