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Posts posted by SuriLegend

  1. people with many years crying like children because the swords change  90 min, by god these people became addicted to spend money in the game just to kill mobs .
    it's fun to play 50 vs 5 every night ?hopefully this will allow more people and these events .
    nagnar you are not European? or did the people who make real money with the game ask you to come to the forum to cry?
    in chronos there are more european and south american people than north american, this is a benefit, I hope it will motivate the server.
    there are 15 grandparents in nova that find it fun to play a server with numerical advantage, it's a game and you have to look for fun, to make socials there are the clubs for retired people !

    kisses amigo

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  2. the gms to ban for saying "virgin" in chat, to remove bans for bot because there are 50 weasels crying move very fast, but to make a positive change in the server they have to send smoke signals to korea and wait 5 years for the answer

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  3. 16 minutes ago, buffgirl said:

    Dear @Juji @Hime  ,

    There are many European players on chronos that want to participate on swords, but the time is not realistic for them.
    Please consider changing the sword defense time on chronos server to an earlier time slot as they are paying customers too.

    Current time is 8:30pm - 9:00pm [CST-Chicago Time]
    Perhaps change it similar to regular server siege time.

    For the last 4 months or so on chronos server there has been the same two people who pick swords majority of the time.
    Can you please look into this matter and make sure there is no foul play involved.

    Thank you for your time.

    if they changed the first swamp for the people of europe, they should also let them play swords.

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  4. 13 hours ago, iAndouille said:

    Dear @Juji @Hime

    We wan't to come up to you'r attention about a big problem the servers are facing right now

    Due to the recent changes with PK systems,  Peoples can't fight anymore  to get into Dragons

    By exemple in Chronos 7/03/20 Clans were gathering up to go fight Dragons,  and what happened was a complete mess,   

    Neutrals came with annother Command channel and the "clicking war" Started.  Whoever enter first win,  This is not how it is intended to be played

    Neutrals now don't pvp and they just hope to farm everything, and the peoples who gather people to fight for dragons lost it because they didnt clicked first to enter Valakas.

    With the new PK system we can't just PK everyone to enter into dragons.  This is now a major issue that has to be fixed on live servers.

    Baium Orfen Lilith Anakim are PVP zone, you have to fight for those raids,  And Dragons is yet not a pvp zone and we can't do anything to fight 

    Clans who put effort to gather people to play the game correctly are getting punished. 

    Can we have GM thoughts on that topic please.  Make Dragon a PVP zone! or Enable multiple CC to enter into dragons. 

    The biggest pve event in server now is completely broken ! we need a fix :) 

    100% agree, this game now is mass report and war screenshot !!!

  5. 5 minutes ago, Divekio said:

    There have been so many changes in the game as of late and I feel like we should reevaluate not being able to declare war to a clan that has less than 15 players in it. There are several people taking advantage of this. They keep the clan at 14 people and are pk’ing others in the game with no consequences besides a “debuff”. They can attend siege and not have war declared as well. They run around griefing other players and clans. If they do not want war, they should refrain from doing such things and war will not be declared. They should not be exempt from having consequences for their actions. Some have even gone as far as to purchase new clans to put other members in to prevent war from being declared on them. I feel like they are taking advantage of the under 15 members limit and it’s not intended for what they are doing. Thank You!

    100% agree

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