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Posts posted by FreakofNature

  1. For melee classes, always go for othell. The crit rate you gain from that tune, is so op compared to what else you can get from other runes.

    Maybe there's some exceptions - tanks who want hp for example, but in 99 out 100 times, othell is the way to go.

  2. The bounty hunters are definitely not as good a money machine as they used to be. There are two downsides: the crafting market is almost dead and the autohunting function does not work properly when spoiling. 

    However, if you can grind mobs from whom you can spoil recipes for weapon B grade and higher and have the time to do I manually, it can be a rly good business. Armor recs are not worth it, cuz nobody crafts armor a-grade and higher (you'll get sealed armor parts, and need cloth pieces to unseal).

    It is possible to set up a spoiler to autospoil, but you'll need two dwarfs in your pty - one that spoil and another (can be warsmith) one that sweeps. But even if you do this, it's not very stable imo. 

  3. 1) Drops from mobs auto delete after 10 min. You can choose to hide dropped items under the screen information.

    2) Are you kidding me?! Ranged classes are already overwhelmingly favorised compared to melee!

    3) The botters only care about the adena drops and that already automatically goes to your inventory

    4) Don't even bother making a petition like this ( or any petition for that matter). They (NCsoft) don't give a rat's a*as about what the community want. All they care about is making you spend more bucks on Ncoin or doing RMT!

    5) Sorry for rant ?

  4. Well it's not that straight forward to answer that cuz you get different crucial buffs from different buffers:

    Prophet: zerk, acumen

    Shilien Elder: empower, wild magic

    Eleven Elder: clarity, wild magic, prophecy of water

    Bladedancer: on the cell, and to lazy to look skill names up, but it gets multiple nuke buffs.

    If I was forced to only have one box assisting my nuker, I would go with SE.

  5. Reading this forum its obvious, that this beautiful game it broken in so many ways.

    The list of issues that goes unanswered from the development team is never ending. You have lost the faith of the community and it's obvious, that the only goal is to suck as much money out of the last faithful L2 gamers as you possibly can, before servers is all dead.

    My plea to the community or what's left of it; STOP using real money on stupid p2w events. Only with our wallets we can make Ncsoft listen!

  6. You can do the classic assist macro:

    /target party%



    However it's not so favorable imo. This is due to the attack delay from the assisting character. 

    From my experience, its preferable to make all chars autohunt, but if you're not in a cata room or somewhere like that, it might be hard to control your party if you go afk.

    What chars are you using?

    • Thanks 1
  7. Just wondering if it's a game error or intended, that the auto hunting function turns off by it self after a while? It only happens if the game i minimized to the system tray, or if another game client is 'on top'. When the game client is on screen, it doesn't seem to turn off.

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