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Posts posted by JustAnotherSadGuy

  1. Hello adventurers, I would like some help if possible.
    I didn't play for a long time and I'm a little lost with the market. Prices are pretty high, aren't they?
    I'm Feoh storm 110, but since I stopped playing a long time ago, I had sold my items.
    I currently have only r99 + 12 bloody retributer, dye +15 int +15 cha, radiant circlet +3 and jewels lv 4.
    I would like help to give a significant increase but with a maximum of 150b of expenses initially. What to Buy?
    artifacts, agathion? thanks and sorry for the english.

  2. On 04/09/2020 at 04:17, Srelock said:

    Aqui está o link  https://d3v.me.uk/l2/books/

    Esses números são para um jogador f2p de forma realista, se eu pagar pelo pacote Destiny e Prestige, os números serão maiores.

    Com meu equipamento atual no Storm eu faço 48t xp e 230kk adena no PI eu faço cerca de 130kk adena e 8t xp, fortaleza 180 kk adena e 34t xp e no Iop eu faço cerca de 5t xp / h tudo isso sozinho sem membros do grupo. Com toda a busca da luz do dia, outro 24t  

    Isso não é realista, o custo é de £ 80 por mês para mim com os pacotes e poções de manutenção de vitalidade e para que tipo de equipamento estou em um ponto onde conseguir um item que dá impulso me custou 80b os mais baratos e, claro, eu ' Estou trabalhando em turnos, então nas outras semanas eu não posso realmente fazer a missão diária porque não há festa quando eu vou jogar e às vezes sou expulso da festa porque não tenho pve.

    Esta é a minha estatística no máximo 


    How much billion u gear?

    • Like 1
  3. I went back to playing during the beginning of the pandemic (nostalgic) I had stopped playing in 2013 ...

    it was difficult to find yourself in a game where you spend most of your time looking at the screen doing nothing ... only in macro.

    But always hopeful that by getting strong it would change. well, it's been 6 months, R99 + 10, BLOODY +12, jewls, abundance, dyes ... (invested 150b).

    I played 4 months without putting in $, but I ended up investing $ 800 in hopes of getting Ev out of lvl 108 ... in short, I think that nostalgic does not go on ... the anger I spend is not worth it. good luck to those who stay, but me and some friends are giving up. my clan (about 15 ppl) will go to the EU server, I don't know if I will ... but I know that I won't stay here.

    Sorry for my bad english ?

    • Like 1
  4. I tried for 3 months to just be exalted ... what could I do? lvl 106 macro WITH PARTY in EV (otherwise it would die).

    IT? just waiting for someone to invite (I'm not evis / othel) macro 24/7 in Ev ... well ... I had to put a little bit of $ in order to progress. IT'S NOT FREE TO PLAY.

    and 150b is no much equip to farm alone, is very expensive this server.

    • Mammon’s Magic Staff promotion in the L2 Store will continue for one week.
    • The Letter Collector event will continue for one week.
    • Fixed an issue where the amount of Adena dropping in the Isle of Souls was incorrect.

    A- Useless for casual players, only 50 ~ 100 people out of 5,000 can participate.

    B- Pathetic

    C) Stupid 

    • No words to describe the sadness of reading messages from @Juji and @Hime
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. A 16 year old game ... a few years ago is being killed, not because the game is boring / old, quite the contrary, we still find something fun in it ... but the server administration leaves a lot to be desired. I will not say anything about the updates, because apparently the only readers who read the forum are the players.


    Hello, first good morning, secondly fire everyone and put players to manage the game. That said, come on ...

    "Give your feedback" Write that down and add "last seen 20 hours ago"

    "update discussion" Write this and add "last seen Friday" and we are on Monday

    Well, I don't know how your home office is doing, but there is something wrong with that, maybe that's why the bot are comfortable on the server.


    About the update? was there any? I noticed difficulties in leveling my char 108 feoh ... few mob, I didn't notice an increase in Feoh (maybe I am too weak to have any significant increase).


    "We have been reading through feedback already shared and we would like to invite all to share their thoughts constructively on the update especially on these features"

    again, it's been a few months since you've been reading only negative things and with each update there's more negative feedback, so I'm not sure what you want ... will you just read it?


    1.Hunting Zones and Raid Bosses: I will only talk about it, the rest I can't say, since I don't have much money to be able to do something that has been added.

    a) First, why are there level 1-85 farm zones? there is simply no point in having this if the quest already leaves in 30 minutes at level 85.

    b) Instead of nerf adena that drops from the mob (area 103 - 109 where I can farm for example) with prestige I earn 90kk on the map all day ... I spend 70kk bssr / spirit pray and I earn 0.2% ??? So I earn + - 20kk just staying macro all day? There is not much advantage to a character with less than $ 1000 investment then.

    c) $ 1000 for you to stay macro in Ev because the other few places

    Sv-105 (full)

    Tanor-107 (full)

    FoS-109 (full) ...

    only these locations? there are + - 3k ppl 105-109 redesign the farm areas 105-110, as the game is dying in 105 (after that you must invest a lot of money).

    d) exalted? Really? Baylor / kama / gludio 105 + ... ok, let's go with toons 108, 109, 108, 107,110,109, 108 (4 exalted, 1 R110 +12 bow, 1 R99 + 14, 3 r99 +12 ...) it's no use, we have little damage and little pdef, we die, you need to be carried by good players (top 100 ~ 150).

    e) I could put the alphabet here, but I don't think you will read it.

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