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Posts posted by KazAnakiuS

  1. 1 hour ago, Mitzza said:


    pve dmg +30% -this is a pasive skill

    but the rest of the boosts where  do they come  from ?

    -patk +30%, patk crit dmg +20%, p skill crit dmg +20% - all at once)

    Coin Of Maphr 110 skill, when it flips to the red side (heads)

    • Thanks 1
  2. A 3 days roll back can not even be an option. Do you realize that the game is not just exp? Some ppl made purchases, sales, class changes, enchants, skill enchants, clan changes and everything else that the games has to offer?

    It is not just about losing 3 days of grinding and afk hunting. It is soooo much more!

  3. On 8/30/2021 at 10:15 PM, iHyperlite said:


    i will test the front dmg of shadow hunter later tonight.  i went off tooltip alone.


    also, to your point on the 3 jumps.  grim reaper is one of the main reasons i like the GH.  it eliminates range the best of the 3 daggers.

    Hey Hyper, did you do that test?

  4. 25 minutes ago, KingNothing said:

    U guys complain too much.


    Soooo true!


    As long as all players play under the same conditions, I dont mind at all, and won't compain. 50%,100%,300%,500% EXP BOOST is fine, as long as it is the same for everyone and does not boost some players over others.

    What bothers me, is that some players got a 30 day Vitality Rune, while others where not allowed to have it, due to the country they live in. This was unfair. And unfair bothers me.

    They probably dont give a 300% Vitality boost, so that they don't make the Vitality Rune, even MORE unfair.

  5. @Juji

    This is a huge discrimination. To keep your vitality full for 30 days you need 720 Vitality Maintaining potions x 160 NCOIN = 115.200 NCOIN = 1.440USD

    This is a 1440USD Gift that NCWEST refused to give to many of us, just because we live in the wrong country!

    An exp event will come... and some ppl will take benefit of full Vit, while most of us, won't. And not because we refused to participate to the Beta, but because you refused us the permission to do so!

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Mete said:

    I have an othel/yul. Yes I have. Othel (with insane stacked gear) is better single target, but since mobs are in groups EVERYWHERE yul outdamages Othel by a country mile.

    Yul is still the highest output damage dealer in the game, period.

    Yul is the strongest Farm machine. Nothing else.

    A yul can not stand against an Othel.

    It depends what you want your toon to be able to do. If farming is all you want, Yul is the way to go. But this game is not supposed to be only farming.

  7. The nerf in p.skill critical rate is very obvious. I was certain about it, without reading this thread. I just came here to confirm.

    I used to have arround 90% critical rate on my Pinpoint and Quickshot, and it went down to arround 50-60%. The difference is HUGE.

    I changed my skill OE from Break to Focus. Things look much better, but I still need to add more skill critical to get back to where I was, and ofcourse I will never get back the damage that I had before converting Break to Focus and Skill critical dmg items and augments to skill critical rate.

    I am dissapointed by this nerf, without a prior notice, and right after the end of Red Libra.

    Yul was already not very strong. An Othel with the same gear, can do multiple times the dmg of a Yul. It seems like the developers see some few over geared Yuls, and adjust the game based on them, and not the majority of the normaly geared ppl.



    • Like 1
  8. People here are always complaining. Ppl were asking for Red Libra event, they give you red libra and now you complain that the Red Libra is too long.

    Common guys, enjoy the game for once. Stop QQing all the time.

    We have a nice event running, perma rose buff (Elisium Blessing) and perma cookie buff. We have a nice boost running.



    I totaly agree though, that it seems like all the interest of the company is turned towards the Aden server. It seems like it is the only thing that matters for them right now.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  9. 8 hours ago, iHyperlite said:

    We can all only wish that happens.

    We should not wish for a merge to happen, because it will be the last merge. After that, the next step would be to shut it down entirely.

    There used to be, 7-8 servers if i remember correctly? Devianne, Bartz etc. With every merge, we come 1 step closer to the end of the game.

    If we love this game, we should wish that NC makes the right choices to make them both heavy again. I hate seeing them Light every day.

  10. 7 hours ago, extase1987 said:

    Done it and it works :)

    Slow but steady

    I ve done it too, but you can not carry a group with your dmg at 110 dailies if you are 113. You have to be an additional DD, not the main one.

    I can solo dailies 105, and can hardly help at 110. The difference between the 2 instances is great.

    Unless ofcourse if you have 10+ trillion gear!

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