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Posts posted by Detonador

  1. 1 hour ago, Its3ma said:

    How can i farm whit sps ....he consume mana too fast and when i Active body to mind my pg have 0 hp so 1 hit and i die... Any fix for farm? Whit whit pg? Ty...Sorry for my bad english


    Use this setup in same shortcut bar : 1- HydroBlast , 2- HydroBlast, 3- HydroBlast, 4- HydroBlast, 5- HydroBlast, 6- Body To Mind, 7- Self Heal. 

    All in auto-use of course.

    If you still get out of MP, delete 1 HydroBlast

    If you get out of HP and dies but MP is OK, add another HydroBlast BEFORE Body To Mind and Self Heal.

    Hope it helps you.

  2. 23 minutes ago, consort said:

    agreed Slawa, 5 as client is designed for.

    it's not everyone else's problem OP has

    a high latency ISP to the Aden servers,

    or playing far beyond it's intended region.


    there are many things ncsoft can fix that would mitigate que wait times;

    - disconnect dead players faster, and to prevent pk of lowbie farming abuse,

    (by trying to force disconnects) make "blessing of protection" a self buff.

    - make player stores work offline (many private L2 servers have this)

    - if possible, give priority to player accounts who paid ncsoft to be here, 

    and i don't mean those with 3333 codes - or adena farmer customers.


    Client is designed for 1 account, seems that you just want to farm adena and make RMT. You dont need more than 1 account here, maximum 2 (as shop or as farmer for supplies), European version has 2 per PC and it's enough, no one cry for more. Stop saying that you need 5, it's useless unless you use any kind of 3rd party program. Suspicious. 

  3. Hello everyone, hope you are all very well! 

    I'm making a poll to see if NCSOFT hear us and make an account limitation to at least half as we have now (10), or to the number that most want (1-3)! So it will improve our gaming experience a lot, and no more 1 hour queue to login each char. 

    So i will put 3 options, let's see which one win!


    1. Put limit in 2 accounts per PC

    2. Put limit in 3 accounts per PC

    3. Put limit in 1 account per PC


    Hope you answer and see if NCSOFT hear us!  Good Luck for all!  @Hime@Juji

    • Like 3
  4. 7 hours ago, Karmeligullo said:

    50 HP potions should be changed from 50 -> 250 hp and add 3 seconds reuse time, same with pet food - just add longer reuse time. Whole server is just spaming this potions. Today items lags can be visible sometimes on Elcadia server as well. Soon both servers can have the issues.

    I wrote the same and no answer, hope they read us :)

  5. 1 minute ago, Sunshine said:

    You're saying lag is experienced with NPC's, not with items? Only reason I ask, is we have some players also reporting lag continuing on items as well.

    Put delay to HP potions and increase its HP, like 1 sec CD and healing 250 instead 50. Too many chars using HP potions at same time are making a huge queue to database. 

  6. 3 hours ago, kevil said:

    then give the whole server VR while your working on fixing your screw up, we paid for our items and some are being wasted because of this. I think some consideration to the players should be your priority, otherwise you have no job.

    Yeah, only healers and those classes that has VR are no suffering, like SE,EE,WC,OL, BD, BP, etc, the rest are dying a lot. I died 3 times today because of potions delay.

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