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Everything posted by Tool_of_Society

  1. You talk as if there are a large number of large clans running around. I have no interest in being PVP fodder locked into an endless war because it's one of 5 large clans that exist on the server.. This thread is asking for what we like and what we dislike about the changes. So I answered it truthfully. I'd rather quit the game if the only other option is to join one of the handful of large clans that exists. Of course if leveling clans wasn't such a ridiculous experience then there would be MORE large clans to choose from....
  2. Likes Client stability and performance has improved nicely Clan management windows are better dislikes Leveling a clan is now practically impossible for a small clan. The clan rep that is rewarded is absolutely tiny and to add insult to injury there is a very low limit to the number of quests you can complete in a week. Taking a fortress is now practically impossible for a small clan Forced to pick between PVE or PVP clan skills Removal of runes and other daily quest rewards hurts new players (as if not being able to chat and the lack of information on game mechanics isn't bad enough for a newbie) Still no way for a player who doesn't have friends in high places to progress into end game PVE content through actual gameplay. LFG is full of parties looking for players who are equipped with items that you cannot reasonable procure without using NCstore or bots galore. The same BLATANT bots running in isle of souls for +5 months now. I know how macroing works and those parties aren't being run with macros. Some of the group moves around in a manner that would require clicking the ground (the spoiler's movements being the most obvious) and never target flagged people. If you dare to try to run a yin camp under one of these bot groups you'll eventually be attacked by the same lvl +100 shiny +10 armor wearing character. The Iss "diversification" my iss is now considered "worthless" for the few groups I used to be able to get in to... I would like a way to change that without spending more real $$$. Or at least a reduced price to change race.. L2 store items being more pay to win.
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