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  1. Guys, pls, this sh3t now works in very different way than in the golden old times when GMs walking around in the world even in invisible mode. This is a corporation, a big one. GMs are just employees following a simple rules if they want to keep their job, like a robots. "If the players ask you this, you answer is this", "If they ask this, you answer is the other in the list situated at left or right side of your monitor, or "If they say this you just ignore and move on to your main tasks, whatever are they. I'm really not sure if at least one of them atm knows the game from 2006, for example. I'm not being mean, it's just my opinion. My nephew's girlfriend was a GM in some game and she told me - like the stuff above. I have also been a live chat moderator on another game. The situation here is kind of very similar.
  2. I want my cookie for fake Announcement (Libra)
  3. Hi there ! How to understand this "Atingo NPC Spawn Rate Reduction +50%" ? Atingo will appear more often or more rare ? Ty in advance.
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