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Posts posted by fademist

  1. 3 hours ago, iAndouille said:


    Idk if any GM's still work for L2  but we are all getting ignored on forums, where's our community manager? 

    It's starting to be very illegal at some point what NCWest is doing

    First with Shining skill book box,   Rewards from boxes were not as advertised,  annother topic of 50 answers and no GM's to give an answer.

    Now Second event in a row, Gold Light box again not rewarding as advertised.   x11 Cookie vs X1 cookie is a huge difference ,  yet no answer, nothing from GM's ,  This is very suspicious in my eyes.

    Idk how are the laws in the US but for sure for many people this just sound purely illegal.

    They are not even restoring the cookies upon sending a Support ticket !!!   X11 cookie is shows from them in the promo page and they still dont wanna restore.

    a Masia soul crystal is x12 Cookie, so its just logic that we should get 11 cookie and not 1 per box,   no one wanna spend 600 ncoin for 1 damn crystal lvl 1 wtf 

    u r sure it says 11 cookies from box and not 12 for 1 messia? i would say check again

  2. 1 hour ago, Connex said:

    you can get to a point where you can farm your own adena and take it from there.... no need to overspend on a fancy weapon or play a super expensive class ( like me playing an archer).

    You can literally dump 1k or less on a eviscerator and from 112-113 you can farm everywhere... then with that adena you can slowly start buying items for the toon you really want to play, side benefit, you get to farm adena with 2x toons!  

    dump 1k to dk and do 10 times like an evi worth 1k :P

  3. 1 minute ago, Rotten said:

    you are just helping me prove my point that hybrid is the only one complaining. I will wait for a good reason to add more to this thread, your comments don't rise to that level since you too are hybrid.

    1st thing im no hybrid learn ur facts better

    2nd all that have a working brain knows already that nothing will change maintenance or rb times

    and 3rd we all know whos crying always so stop being an hypocrite ty

  4. 1 minute ago, Rotten said:


    Yup i cried about the maint time, not the raid time, learn to read. Maint needs to be 2h earlier or later. Problem solved
    RAID times are fine for the majority of the server.

    maintenance time us u havent get it yet is on korean times...

    us for the raids even ur side have EU pleyers that i can safely   guess is more than US players ..but if u could u would thought of that .....

  5. 1 hour ago, Rotten said:

    The times are fine!!!

    It's too bad they are inconvenient for you and your clan, since you and Hybrid have and tried to control swords and field raids for years to prevent others access to them. GM's don't believe me, simply look at the server log history of which clans / characters for the last 2 years have obtained these items each cycle. 

    NC Soft should not bend for Hybrid to make it more convenient for them. These times are allowing more clans to compete for these events now, which is HEALTHY for Naia. I suspect that is the basis of your request exe. For the majority of the server these times are fine. 

    The only real issue is maintenance time interfering with Naia Field Raids and Cursed Swords. 
    Make Maintenance 2h later all problems are solved.

    and here u r crying about the same subject:


  6. 24 minutes ago, hrdina said:

    judging by the 5 posts u have here is clear who u represent in this forum, the very few crandoms!  coz was never about that 1 hour or 2 hours, but about giving the players the bloody option to choose when they spend their time in DT and not force it at a specific time, was a about the bloody damn NC west start stopping to burry this game and with it the players ...... now go sing to another table, your song sax

    ps: i am one of them crandoms as well, but have some respect for the ones supporting this game for last 20 damn years ..on a daily basis

    a 10 post random say other random cause he have 5 post...hm

  7. 28 minutes ago, MrE said:

    We are ALL wrong, I opened a ticket and support said they "tested" and confirmed.... working as intended. 

    LMFAO, what a joke. Had they actually tested they would have seen what we have seen. Nothing is dropping outside of what Adno posted. 

    I hope this change in maint means NC West is shutting down and this server will be managed by NC Soft Korea. 

    they tested out of infinity  free of charge boxes :D


  8. 2 hours ago, Rotten said:

    @Primali @Hermes
    Could we get an update on the following issues and bugs:

    1. Why is Naia now the only server penalized by maint, this maintenance timing interferes with swords and field raids.
    2. When is a fix going in place so you get all the rewards listed in the divine fires you place in dethrone? We have tested by numerous characters, you only get 3x flowers and 3x holy fire, the rest of the items listed as a reward including dethrone points are not awarded as it says.
    3. What is the status on random DC issue, 100% of my clan and cp members have multiple dc's on all characters at random points during the day and random zones.
    4. As many people have posted, out of hundreds of players nobody has got any but the bottom rewards in shining skill box promotion. Can the gm's test this and acknowledge to the community that this is bugged, or working as intended.

    1. i think chronos is affected too for DT for sure and maybe on cursed/raids too depends if maint is extended or not

    3. that issue is like 1y long for more ppl but they just cant do anything about it like if u remember the melee lag atk..

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Rotten said:


    Do you guys realize that this maintenance time overlaps with:

    NAIA - Cursed Swords
    NAIA - Field Raids

    With the latest lineage update in game events like Cursed swords was change to twice a week, now NC wants to do maintenance over this event and we will be down to 1 day a week for swords?? this makes NO sense??

    i wouldnt be supriced if they removed it though

  10. 12 minutes ago, Nevermind said:

    So, for EU players it will be during the main activities time.

    You will f.ck up at least several things which came to my mind:

    • Kaddin (which should spawn during the time when maintenance will be and despawn during that time)
    • Olympiad (which is entirely within this maintenance time)
    • Daily activities when people come after work to have some fun
    • No way to restart parties, as even for UK/Ireland/Portugal it will be 11pm, add 2-3h of maintenance - anywhere from 1am to 2am, when everyone will be sleeping, whole 8h of farm lost, for countries further east it is even worse
    • probably several more things

    olympiad isnt on that day LOL

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