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Posts posted by fademist

  1. On 3/24/2023 at 12:08 PM, Connex said:

    "exalted" is something you cannot take into consideration when you compare AOE dd's, the only class that does great in exalted is Evis.

    it is not the first time that this is brought up so there must be something that people see/ experience at higher levels, which also implies that a certain amount of money has been spent ( or time,  for those who spend less), anyway throw 500$ on a mage and then 500$ on a DK, or a Tyrr, now who ranks better? I will not say archer cuz 500 on an archer is nothing but I will compare a 500$ evis with an AOE mage with the same level/items, Evis will be a better farmer hands down.

    500$ on dk is best investment compared to any other class

  2. On 3/17/2023 at 8:47 PM, Connex said:

    so here is the deal.. 

    I am a very old player that has returned to the game, comparing the game now to what it was in 2006 or 2007. things are way better now and I can write an entire essay about that. Instead ill give you a few bullet points to compare. I have played form 2005 to 2015 at the highest level, winning everything there is to win, having the most fun you could have.

    Let me say that back in the day when you started the game, you had a naked toon to begin with. No exalted gear, no 400k shots nothing, mobs were dropping 7 adena in the starter areas and md No grade weapons were 40k with top ones being 200k.  Porting was 3000 adena and a ticket from Taliking island 18-20k for a level 20 player. 

    The "absurd" princing, the low drop rates and all that are not new! Most people had at least 2 accounts if not 3 at least, 45$ per month, and most of the times, the progress was little to none. 

    Those who did not quit were able to follow the gear updates, the rest that stopped myself included, have to play catch up, knowing is half the game and I can guarantee you there are a lot of info I am missing but i can tell you this. Personally, I do not hate, but for the past 19 years, complaining has brought no results/ improvements whatsoever so the sooner you realise it the faster you will move on.

    Obviously a level 108 player does not make the same adena as a 112 and the same with the 115 ones. In short, 105 is the new 40, 110 is the new 61, 115 is the new 76 and 120 is the new 80, for those that are stuck in the C5 era. 

    Lastly, I will rephrase your last sentence, the snowflakes have left the game, people with thicker skin are still around. I just dont sugarcoat things and rather tell the truth in your face.

    What you should take from this is that people with patience and determination will keep on playing the game, whether you like it or not, the game has a good 10+ years ahead, there are 2 more dragons !

    PS. if you played the game for a long time adding the value of the 2,3 or 4 accounts into Ncoin, you would be 117+ and be able to farm, 30-40bil a week. 

    PS2. For obvious reasons, adena is non existant in lower level areas BUT you can easily make 3,5bil a month, that can cover porting around/shots and still save 3b.


    the difference is now to make a somewhat good gear u need to pend more than u needed back then

  3. 5 hours ago, Connex said:

    cuz it is a source for adena...

    The rarest an item is, the higher the value, the less people do Freya, the higher the price will be for drops.

    Simple L2 mechanics, back in the day (the original) Emnity shared the secret of killin frintezza with us only cuz we were on a different server and we shared back how to kill baylor when it first got released. 

    You never share the golden goose!

    thats why youtube is there to search a video from other region freya kill and see the patterns

  4. On 3/20/2023 at 2:05 AM, AshesOfAden said:

    There is eu server , but people spent 15+ years here so probably they dont want to migrate to eu server , and as a guy said majority here are from eu , i would even dare to say about 70% of both servers, 

    But I agree changing time is not a solution , 3rd server in eu time zone with free transfer option for everyone(limited time obviously) would be great :) 

    lol even 2 servers r TOO many with the ppl that have left lol


  5. 2 minutes ago, Rotten said:

    you aren't listening :( that new skill does nothing for players we cannot 1 shot, which is most of them now that all the defensive items are in game.
    they simply despa and we die, we cannot go in hide again, because cooldown is waaay too long, we evade nothing anymore (except wind rider). Please play the character in pvp / mass pvp and you will be able to more accurately speak to their ability's.

    Since the sale of them was removed, the game content has evolved.
    With that unfair advantages now exist to obtain that game content, 99% of the server does not have them.

    on that account lets make crystal form has 0 cd...

    and i have played thee real spoiler not that thing u play now :D

    all games have older items that new player cant get...

  6. 1 minute ago, Rotten said:

    daggers have similar crit cap, except on our crit fail we do 0 dmg, jump on any clas and fail 4 stabs / crit fall = 0 dmg = you die, so we have same issue i've covered in previous posts.

    lets say all class have their issues..

    us for the topic that 99% on hide u should welcome it not ask to have it outside of hide

    us for legacy agathions cant do much if u didnt played or buy them when they put them.....

  7. Just now, Rotten said:

    not what im asking, as i stated at the top of this article is for mass pvp/1v1 pvp. There are constraints in place today in oly.
    Your comments are not valid in most cases, you must not regularly play a othell.

    99% aoe damage reduction seems quite a buff, meaning, you can wait for a tyr to sonic star, then stab him.
    i have tested this, against a very similar geared tyrr many times, for simplicty,  a tyrr can alternate eruption/sonic star nearly constantly, a tyrr even against an equally geared dagger still takes 1-5 stabs to kill,   if you shillen by the time a dagger jumps and stabs the tyrr has the defense to despa/giant barrier and do one more eruption and your dead.. i tested exhaustively, dagger evasion.. it's no where close to 80% vs tyrr, either eruption/sonic star hits me 15/20 times with evasion skills up. Game mechanic failure.

    Throughout the years, class updates have changed how each class does in pve and pvp, daggers have been dominant for a better part of a decade,  actually from Beta till 2017 when most of the  p skill crit damage equipment started to appear and the rest of the classes started to catch up.

    First name a player that today takes a dagger other than me to a castle seige, they are not dominant in any way. The issue isn't damage output, it's defense/evasion with the other classes putting out massive damage and aoe damage, they can no go full defense and in pvp put out 100x the damage i do,  our base p.def is so insanely low it's made othell unviable in pvp, go play one now in mass pvp and prove me wrong when comparing to other classes.

    You didn't read what i wrote, please re-read

    a yes i didnt see the hilarious thing u mention about mana barrier ..but why u didnt notice the 33% mcrt cap? or isnt good for ur propaganda?

  8. 17 minutes ago, Connex said:

    so by your calculations, you should be able to hide, stab, hide to win every olympiad game.. great!

    99% aoe damage reduction seems quite a buff, meaning, you can wait for a tyr to sonic star, then stab him.

    Throughout the years, class updates have changed how each class does in pve and pvp, daggers have been dominant for a better part of a decade,  actually from Beta till 2017 when most of the  p skill crit damage equipment started to appear and the rest of the classes started to catch up.

    bk then prolly he didnt played cause spoiler had only hammer crush and the aoe stun when use spear :P

  9. 8 hours ago, Jalila said:


    I understand the frustration of mage, with this story of Critical rates caps to 30%, but I think it s important to keep each class to his base and to his story, they can modify a bit,  readjusted a bit, but not make a big difference, it s good also to discover new class, with other characteristics. We had era dagger, era yull, now death Knight, maybe soon a new class mage that gonna deal big DMG, and this name nuker  is still relevant,  cause was before when mage was let say in demand. We can also discover this new class dagger Assassin to server Aden...looks great. And between I hope those new zones in party for the next update gonna be balanced as dethrone with good xp and good adena, otherwise not interesting, cause it s nice add new items each times, nice interface, as this great idea of camera 😅(that give me headache) etc...nice mass compounding, exalted gear increased etc...we love! 

    Happy Women's Day! 





    u wrote all that and the funny thing u missed the point

  10. 2 hours ago, iAndouille said:

    Archers has Flash (like disparition) every 10-15 second with proper cooldowns,   they can use Double Blink skill,  so they can get in range very quickly,   they can step away from pvp and come back whenever they want,

    Exemple:  Archer come in front of tyrr warrior,   Use flash,  blink away,   shilen stun the tyrr and drop some hits, then blink away again,   and repeat this.  Just check the korean streamer,   any archer that knows his claas and skills can be good. its just that in NCWest atm you guys think archer are bad because you don't have any exemple.

    When we had Felinty in our server he was nailing it on archer.     Archer is not a nerfed pvp claas, yes they dont survive as much as tyrrs but they can be good if you play it correctly !   All depend of you'r gear also, dont expect to kill ppl with 2-3x you'r gear.  but same gear range, archer can be the best.

    And in PVE Archers are the absolute best because they hit big aoe from Range they dont need to jump and gather mobs.  Again you need gears to do it just like the tyrrs in server with gears. 

    isnt that they dont have example..is just that they want to kill all classess with 0 effort and half the gear ...

  11. 38 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    LOL o  ok please show me an archer that can take out any top 10 tyrrs or DK  How do you kite a Death Knight or Tyrr? Please give us the knowledge that all Archers are asking for.

    u hit outside their skill range thats not enough? so stop QQ ..cause if we start with that what othells feohs can say compared to yuls LOL

  12. 42 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    I am talking pvp not pve; pve archers have no issue.

    PVP I shouldn't die if a DK or Titan look at me;  there is no way an equally geared archer can kill one you can't kite them.  That is the point they are giving more to those classes but not balancing the others.

    u shouldnt die from dk or tyrrs? what stoping u to have them outside their skill range? maybe u rnt good enough to kite properly?

  13. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    Renzik maybe I should be more clear.

    An archer use be to be dangerous because they could kite you to death no matter what kind of damage was inflicted,  We can no longer do that; I would love some surviability again like a more active camo with shorter reuse or perhaps a root shot sort of like an upgraded hamstring shot (which is pretty useless now) that roots you to ground for even 5 seconds.  Allowing an archer to create space from the target or kill at range; in melee range we have very little defense or escapes.

    to do that kite u need hands just saying

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