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Everything posted by menf

  1. can you explain to the rest of us? some1 accidentally opened the inventory, accidentally clicked on a scroll, accidentally clicked an item and got crystals? what, in your poinion, was the use of such a system to begin with?
  2. i have the same issue. I am fairly certain for 3 things after my interaction with the support. a) There are language barriers with those ppl. The use of google translate is obvious as their replies are full of syntax errors, and most of their "answers" are not addressing the questions posted. b) they are usure of what exactly is asked of them, probably reading/following a script of some sort, leading them to loops what provide neither answers nor solutions to any problems c) they have not read the policy, as most of their answers lead to "please read the policy". Meanwhile, in my case, the policy is crystal clear on what i ask, and i have to quote parts of it back to them. Not that it has any effect, leads anywhere or progresses to a solution to any problem whatsoever @GM_EVA @Wissp communicate to the decision-making people the disaster they created by constructing this "support" and make a plan to DO BETTER. OH! also they do not see to identify themselves as GMwhatever, just NC support team.
  3. funny how you ppl end up fighting with each other while there is 0 comment from nc staff. How many times does this have to repeat in order to get a hint?
  4. oh people will buy.... People always buy, why else would this keep happening? Incoming threads "1xxxx boxes opened", with the usual replies: Oh you got nothing! followed by more threads "5xxxx boxes opened", followed by the same replies, you got nothing. How hard is it to keep yourself off such sales for a couple of cycles. And I purposely not characterize this as an "event".
  5. @Wissp@GM_EVA you think giving ppl 15% p atk and 100 element so they get a false sense of power is an "event"?
  6. @Connexno1 is bitter, you keep your nerdrage to yourself. You criticize and dismiss every single person who asks for something you do not approve, are you bitter? That is some strange logic isn't it? I repeat just coz you did not do quests it does not mean other people did not do them. They broke the monotonous clicking back then (for the people who clicked). How do quests change your daily activities? You don't want them ignore them, don't diminish people who want them. And on a real talk, you think just coz some1 asked for something the devs will change the game for them? We ask for more reasonable thigs for years and everyone is ignored. How you got to 1% along with many people back then only the chinese people would most likely know, let's not kid ourselves, but that's your business.
  7. Quests were never a thing for you, coz you were 10110101001 since you started. It's been a while but here yo go: ketra/varka quest for s grade recs, every low lvl quest that gave a little bit of materials, a bunch of quests that gave item crafting mats, the old dimensional rift we used to solo with healers that gave the old augment stones, the quests in rune that game enchants among other things, and the latest that comes i mind is the dimensional rift (if i recall the name) that game rune stones. Everything had something to get that bit of xtra in the game. Just coz you don't do something does not mean others don't as well.
  8. @GM_EVAplease consider making the anniversary Aden daily instances rewards a regular thing. After bumping the difficulty that much it now actually feels rewarding to do them! People are finally start to make groups bringing life to the group matching function of the game.
  9. that is coz most are either banned or left. Do you see much engagement here at all? Wonder why?
  10. Bump having same issue, why 0 response here? @Juji
  11. @Juji@Arctic one more thing, consider the low rate of engagement of players here. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. DO YOUR JOB CORRECTLY. advertise you want feedback, don't just post here and pray noone or someone will respond. Make a poll in Discord and mail it to everyone, log into the game to give gm buffs a couple of times per week as a gesture of good will and urge people to come here and post until you have the needed number of people giving feedback. Engage with your clients, urge the people to participate, don't just sit with your hands in your pockets
  12. This here, this is the most important thing people tend to disregard. I was about to write the exact same thing but you beat me to it @Miff @Juji@Arcticgive any sign you hear what people say and something is done about it. You already mentioned feedback form other regions taken into account. How about feedback from this region? How about the 9+ pages of feedback from your last poll? What happened there? looking forward for an answer.
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