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Znipo last won the day on May 15 2018

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  1. Znipo

    Say hello to LIME!

    Ya'll welcoming someone who hasnt even said "Hello" Thanks for your unrivaled love for this game, judging by your activity in the forum I am positive you will be a great addition to the team. PS. There are still bots ingame
  2. How is this causing extra stress on the server? Can you explain your reasoning behind this or are you only guessing? The amount of bots & Macros you see right now is about 1/50 of what the servers used to have, why did it not lag before? Idk, I liked that other guys' idea of "CLEANING THE PHYSICAL SERVER OF DUST" alot more than this idea of yours. Nerf archer more and lag will stop, change critical hit modifier to 0.75x and watch lag disappear!
  3. Figured i'd make a thread about this issue thats been happening for the past two months for me, this person have similar issues but thread got derailed into a separate problem by people who can not read. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/14408-client-performance-lost/ So the problem is the longer I leave my character on macro.. the lower my FPS gets. The problem only occurs when you keep the game minimized, or when screensaver is active. I did not have this problem before (Windows 7), but upon updating to Windows 10 I started having this issue. I think this issue is related to Windows 10 but i've been unable to narrow it down, I've disabled & activated every little game enhancer, boost enhancer etc etc but have not found a fix. Note: This problem only started happening once I upgraded to windows 10, windows 7 did not have this issue - there was no game patch between the upgrade that could have caused it. I've noticed this... every client that gets minimized have their GPU usage set to 0% (macro or not).. When you open the client back up, the GPU usage goes back to normal level - so far so good. When I do it on my macro clients, the usage of iss+healer goes back to a normal level - even if the game was minimised for 24 hours - so far so good. BUT my archer client (actual character killing stuff) remains at 0% GPU usage when I open the client (CPU usage appear to be normal). So basically Leave my macro on for 24 hours with client targetted (No minimizing and no screensaver) = no lag whatsoever Leave my macro on for 24 hours with taskbar targetted (screensaver triggers after a few minutes) or minimizing the client = incredibly slow gameplay, im talking literal 0-1 FPS. Forced to restart the client to get it back to normal performance. This problem ONLY happens on the main character doing the killing, If I have an iss + healer on macro - those two clients are perfectly fine, only the client with my archer receives the lag. Anyone got any idea for a fix?
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