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Everything posted by xGr1mReaper

  1. Thanks....but srsly with kains scrolls you ain't gonna do much, you just need to take some risks sometimes and gamble away!
  2. A lot more actually I would say about 100b profit give or take. 1st of all I made the video only for fun, it's not intended to tell ppl to buy boxes or not I stood little bit lucky this time next time who knows. And pls speak with facts and dont go around saying nonsense that I did not pay real money for it...but who cares if I paid money or farmed it? And if u believe someone with my gear and my lvl can farm so much adena without saving it for months and months u have no clue about the game.
  3. Hello everyone here are my results after opening some boxes https://youtu.be/Wq183K28L9I
  4. Well the past 4 weeks every character can have non stop vitality and non stop consumables from the event I'm non stop 1200% + + full power from all the pots for the past 4 weeks so that's like a exp event but ppl seem to be to bored to engage in what current events we have and how to get something out of them.
  5. It ain't about the boxes it's about the exp u can take and now with free pots and 24/7 vitality on that means very good exp in 1h the boxes are just a little bonus and if u lucky u can get something out of them
  6. And where is the problem with that? Do the same u can log 3 chars on 1 PC supply them with scrolls and good luck!
  7. Each day since patch went online im making at least 1 cod yesterday I dropped 4 so pi is still a money making spot but yeah scrolls don't drop that much on a average in 3 hours im making about 10 scrolls
  8. Just create a new account and make a new character you will be lv99 in no time and make a DD so you can solo from time to time after u hit lv99 join a BS party to get the exalted quests done till u get 105 you gonna have some gear at that point the basic free items that the game gives to a new player right now are way way better that what you got now… for the armor you have try to sell them ppl using old armors ass appearance to the new armor… if you intended to play the game u can buy after lv105 the blessed exalted pack from the shop for 1440 ncoin u get some decent gear and if u make it to +10 u are ok till u hit 110-112 u gonna need a decent weapon tho apart of the exalted but for the begging it’s gonna do the trick if you have any other questions let us know. have fun and welcome back
  9. Not really it’s more like superstitious thinking at that point
  10. Copy paste gone wrong As if even back when u could get the cursed weapons it was a mistake they noticed too late to fix they intended to give out fragments not the whole weapon NCwest at its best I guess but right now the whole operation goes worse and worse each time
  11. They said the will few months ago but all they did was change the list of the items u can get out of the box
  12. Are you seriously so delusional to think that your player base/community are stupid and gonna buy those boxes? To get what? a lvl 5 SA? Or low gear items as if the servers just opened for the 1st time and ppl need low gear to get started? I mean sure there always dumb ppl that gonna buy em but you and your team just wanna get us to quit, else I see no reason for box event after box event over and over again and each being worse than the previous….do something about that shit before the ship sinks completely @Hermes
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