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Posts posted by IntoFlameX

  1. Exp event during server migration  and possible compensation ?

    Nc team decides to put an exp event on the same time they plan a server migration and ending up having way worst lag , more disconnects , server latency , melee lag and server restarts one after the other having as a result us not being able to exp properly and we got as compensation for a problem that was not solve, 100% party hunting bonus , an additional week of server boosts  and double adena buff on IoS. With today's maintenance  the Party Hunting Boost will return to +50% without even knowing if today's upgrade on game server and database server will solve any of the problems listed above. After so many years you guys fall on the same mistakes again and again, getting updates from devs and just applying them without testing them. Before rushing opening the servers back up so we can all run and spend our money on your artifact event  or any other PAID event that we get one after an other, open the servers on GM only so you can login and actually test that things work. So fix the current problems and give us an other month of server  exp boosts along with a vitality maint .rune for a month as proper compensation And NO I'm not or WE are not asking for to much considering what you gain from us over the years and that it costs nothing to you.

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  2. But are we talking about archers in pvp here or in pve?
    Yes in pve a geared archer can do better than any other class but don't forget the huge amount of very expensive items that this class requires in order to pull that damage
    mid gear archers can't do any better than any other aoe class

    In pvp from the other hand does it matter if a feoh deals 200k damage and an archer 10mil since you are dying 1 shot? I think no, the results are the same.

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  3. @Hime - @Juji
    From update to update everything we get is crap, every single move from Ncwest is to fill your pockets even more, you guys cut all profitable resources like PP, literally no more adena there. Then stronghold it's not enough that you guys reduce the adena on last update, on this you also reduce the total time we can stay on this update and god knows what we will be able to farm tomorrow when it will go back to "normal"  and in order to farm some "proper" adena we have to pay for prestige, reducing exp on areas and "adjusting-nerfing" over-hit where a solo player without having anyone in party takes around 5.5b exp WITH 200% exp rune in non vitality state, what happens to those that can't afford both prestige and destiny pack or at least destiny to exp. Making it unable for new people to play without having to spend crazy amounts of money. Increasing the levels in areas where only a small % of people can farm. Having a huge map that you don't put in use, 90% of players are trying to find a spot to exp in Alligator / Tanor / Fos / Fom. Putting rip off events that pay off with crumbs.

    This post could go on and on but I'm not gonna keep writing. People are posting their complains and we don't get an answer show us for once that you acknowledge what we are saying listen to the community for once. All the decisions you are taking makes people quit the game.

    This update and the "ninja" decisions you took is unacceptable and most disappointing.
    I'd like to ask the people in this community to show if you agree with a post or a comment and last I'd like to ask @Hime & @Juji that our voice is reaching.

    -With respect IntoFlameX. Peace!

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  4. It's not abuse it's taking control over an area/spot. This game has always been like this, stronger players and stronger clans will take control over spots bosses and anything that has good rewards/exp.

    The "I was here first" or "it was my spot" unless we are talking for clan mates it doesn't exist.

    The reality is if you are strong enough keep the spot or take it back.

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