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Everything posted by theTinyOrc

  1. Thank you so much @Combatmuggins, but I read it too late, I've ordered a ROG Ally for it. I hope that the ROG Ally can run sustainable, reliable like the Steam Deck coz I planned to let it run 24/7. Thank you again
  2. does Asus Ally work nice? how many toon it can carry? Can you give me a clip about Steam Deck can play L2? ANd I m curious how long it can run? 24/7?
  3. No Devs design high level contents with elite items go with it. Here NCSoft cut it off so no one can beat that high level contents. You can take a walk on ToI to see Lv.90++ toons farming toi 1 - 4. THe problem is devs design high content, with craft event give Ice Lord weapon +15, Guardian Armor + 10, Berk Sigil, etc... with like 100-500$ spending amount. Here NCSoft make it 6000$ worth for only IceLord weapon clean, that no one can afford and play the high level contents. We fight 86-90 lv mobs with draconic leather and HD +7, that's not intend by devs, that NCSoft problem, their sales team should be fire.
  4. Always good to go with Classic bro. Around 2k toons online (Talking Island) at peak event time. If there is average 5 - 10 toons per player, so it would be 200 - 400 player on T.I server atm.
  5. @Wissp Please take a look at KR newest event: https://lineage2.plaync.com/board/l2update/view?articleId=64768046c2613b5c11a9db23 They have very nice crafting events: * 2 x Seal of Giran for a Stable Armor/Weapon Enchant Scroll S Grade. * 10 x Seal of Giran for a Advanced Stable Armor/Weapon Enchant Scroll S Grade. * 111 Seal of Giran for any +12 Guardian Helm/Boots/Gaunlet crafting try (10% success rate usually) And previous event: https://lineage2.plaync.com/board/l2update/view?articleId=646400a40f0a4a02bd8c4819 * 77 Seal of Giran for any +12 Guardian Armor part crafting try (10% success rate usually) That's what we need to fight with current ToI mobs. Ehh, Comparing to crafting events that NCSoft West/NC America made: Current event: https://www.lineage2.com/en-us/news/sayha-s-treasure-chest-promotion * 204 x Seal of Giran for Advance Stable Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S Grade) * 48 x Seal of Giran for Advance Stable Scroll: Enchant Armor (S Grade) * 12 x Seal of Giran for Stable Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S Grade) * 15 x Seal of Giran for Stable Scroll: Enchant Armor (S Grade) Previous event: https://www.lineage2.com/en-us/news/love-strongboxes-promotion 177 UNOPENED boxes for one special armor crafting try (10% success rate)
  6. Yes I agree that new sales event with Seals of Giran when box is opened is good, keep it going. But actually this is not new for other region like KR,JP,RU... They got it years ago. And they got crafting events which can offer strong items like Protection Armors, Greater Gems... to fight with ToI mob, but here at NA we don't have anything and can't fight high floor on ToI.
  7. I agree with @ashlariondel. @Wissp there are something wrong with ToI setting. Ppl fight for spot toi 1-2-3-4, but from 5 and above, mobs hit like a truck but give less exp. Please review exp and mob strength at toi 5-6-7 and above so ppl can go there and farm. It will help lower level can farm at toi1-2 too when high level move up, currently Lv.90 still keep all rooms in toi1, that's is not true about ToI. @Wissp Please revise the circlet enchant too, I try 2000+ enchant package, failed all and get only +6 circlet, and now the event give free +6.
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