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Posts posted by Dargor

  1. 14 hours ago, BlackIce said:

    You get three different times.

    Radar shows right now...

    Server Time: 17:20

    Local Time: 12:20

    But the command /Time gives you this response: The current time is 21:47.

    Clear as (bleep)ing mud, isn't it?

    Server time is GMT -2 for Chronos. That's not subject to change with daylight savings. Listed times for server-wide events like olympiad or sieges are therefore in GMT -2.

    Local time is your local time.

    /time gives you the time of the day in-game. It is not real world time. This is the time displayed on the bottom left side of the map.

    • Like 2
  2. Way to present things in a one-sided manner. Since we're at it here's the other side: several low gear/level players set up full parties and "pvp" with mobs in higher areas taking up spots from people who could solo there and unlike the people farming coins in a time limited event, those folks don't even have a benefit being there in the first place.

  3. 23 minutes ago, XxupaxX said:

    Server latency is not the fault of management.  The fault lies with 93% of mages and archers who use macro mouse programs.  Macro of the game 1 skill.  Macro mouse 3 to 6 skill.  uses the skill in milliseconds.  The fault lies with the disrespect of the players and not the administrators.  The NC team does everything to help the players.  more players want advantages in farmer and sieges

    Your bait is bad and you should feel bad.

  4. 16 hours ago, GhostShadow said:

    The Swords have probably outlived their intended use. Doubt too many would cry if they removed them from the game at this point. The game needs new content badly.

    New content is taking the same instances/areas from 10+ years ago, making the mobs/boss harder to kill, lowering or completely removing drops and changing the npc you enter from. Any relatively new content will be intended for the level range no one in the servers has reached yet.

  5. On 9/10/2020 at 2:16 AM, ShadowSerenade said:

    They need to rework the entire function of the Demon Swords. It should be something that players have to build towards. Like maybe if a person has over 100 PKs, he or she is then eligible to pick up the sword(s) when they drop. No one with less than that can get the swords, even if they kill the Demon Sword wielder.

    Ok so make pk alts

    On 9/10/2020 at 2:16 AM, ShadowSerenade said:

    Also, the swords only drop when someone has been PKed. And the chance to drop is less than 5%. They do not drop from mobs, or from the Demon Sword Tooth Fairy. You have to kill someone first, and then they MIGHT drop. If no one gets killed, then they don't drop. We could potentially go days without the swords dropping.

    Ok so pk alts with other alts in fortress/castle to get swords

    On 9/10/2020 at 2:16 AM, ShadowSerenade said:

    Oh, and return the PK system to the old ways where reds drop on death. That way if a major chaotic player gets and keeps the demon swords it will help them pay for the items that they loss -- instead of lining the pockets of the same rich players with more adena than the rest of the players will ever see.

    Ok so line the pockets of certain rich players and adena farmers who have in the past and will in the future use well known exploits to make anyone and everyone outside of town drop. I occasionally see some of them still playing and boy do their toons shine. Must've been a good way of gearing up fast. If you're under the illusion nc will step in, restore items and save the day check posts from a couple or so years ago. Why do you think there was so much push back when juji wanted to bring the pk drop back a couple of months ago?

  6. 14 hours ago, Lean said:

    just have some common sense if the launcher only allows you to open 3 screens, but you download a program or modify the game to benefit from it and being able to load more than ppl who follow the rules, do you believe you are doing something right?

    Cause on my point of view it is very clear that it is not.


    Btw that is on eula, did you read anytime or just agree/accept?

    Some ppl may not get caught but i do my part reporting, btw i already do a couple, some even are youtubers, they make it all clear, all that boxes on the same operation system, and the majority get *** using 3 boxes, like the way it was supose to be.


    I don't know nor do I care why you're so worked up about what I posted. Also, since you clearly haven't seen my support ticket which would have answered the questions you directed at me why don't you go right ahead and pester some other unsuspecting fellow?

  7. Hunting zones have been a sore subject since before the update. I'm sure the dragon weapons are making this worse by bringing people with exalted gear in higher zones but still, even before those there wasn't enough space. Bonus points for making the mobs harder to kill. That's what everybody wanted, right? /s

  8. 12 hours ago, TDxDan said:

    yeh i got clannies who lvled alongside me are yuls, guess what they are 110 not struggling whilst my feoh is struggling to even survive 

    Maybe they put their hand deeper in their pocket than you do, which -fun fact- is the most important detail no matter what class you're playing. Either way, knowing what I know now I can say with certainty I should've gone for eviscerator instead of yul back then. Yuls are very nice if certain conditions are met but they are not cheap to build or maintain and if those aforementioned conditions are not met then it's just an awful struggle.

  9. 4 hours ago, TDxDan said:

    If your 106 feoh can handle tanor but your 109 yul can not, explaination: Feohs have AOE CC, Yuls do not. if you can not handle aoeing in tanor on your Yul. well switch to 2hitting the mobs with Pinpoint spam. you still kill mobs faster than a Feoh aoeing 100% due to Magic Skill Critrate being capped at 33.4%
    Also i think your not telling the truth unless you are not telling the full setup. I am 108 feoh with exalted armor, mini epics krishna retri +5, Domi/sws Iss buffs so vop/soa can not do Tanor 100% afk unless i use debuffs/heals from Iss and use Freyas Rose buff, cause every time that Chieftain boss spawns on me. I am dead.

    If your gona 3 Coupon Blunt weapons and Fists, what would you reply to Grand Khavataris and Iss`s? Some Iss`s like to use Blunt/Dual Blunt. GK`s use Fists. 

    and just to say it 1 more time, if you also want to 3 coupon Mage Weapons, You better come up with a Serious Responds for all the Summoners and Healers who will be spam msging you. 
    Point is Feohs on same stage of Equiptment is not equally to what an Archer can do dmg wise. 
    Feoh can keep up due to -Mdef% and CC in combination with their dmg spells but again 33.4% Magic Crit rate Cap whilst Archers can go 100% Skill Crit rate

    All in All Enjoy every little bit of F2P Content/Event we are getting!! As for myself.... Thanks Alot Team NcSoft! 

    Except it doesn't quite work that way. If you can 2 hit mobs in tanor, you most likely can also aoe there. Tanor aside, have a look at the price tag on items boosting pskill critical rate and power. They are not affordable to most people. In my personal experience, I've spent billions upon billions on my yul over the years and I have nothing to show for it. Don't take this personally, but I can't help but wonder whether all those of you complaining about yuls have ever seriously tried building one.

  10. If yul is so op and all, can I get a ticket to switch mine to evis? Because as long as I have been playing it, it is the class constantly receiving nerfs while other classes get boosts. Sure, an end game gear yul is op, what about all other yuls? If you want a yul for more than mentee coins then it's a (very expensive) struggle. Now compare that to an evis: an 105 exalted gear evis is op in PVE and an end game gear evis is op in everything.

  11. On 7/20/2020 at 3:33 AM, BlackIce said:

    That was my point. He said that gear, not class, determined outcomes. I was pointing out that it's deeper than that. 

    I kinda agree with degus still. If you constantly have end-game gear class doesn't matter all that much because you're mostly competing with toons that don't have half your gear. When comparing equally end game geared toons then sure, class matters and so do scripts although people won't talk about those for obvious reasons.

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