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Posts posted by Kurison

  1. @Juji @Hime

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider clearing PK counts if you're going to force us to go back to a item drop PK system.  You guys changed it, people no longer cared about PK counts but now if counts matter we need to be able to reset them.  It needs to be easy to reset the TOTAL count.  Don't sell us a 5 count scroll.  I have hundreds, others will have 1000s of counts to clear.

  2. Wow!!! Korean servers got all kinds of stuff for 16th anniversary.  I guess i'm wrong for expecting anything different after the way things have gone.  For example: 

    They have given us horrible server lag for over a year

    They have given us reduced mobs to "help latency" with no plans to replace them

    They have given us login ques to "help latency" with over capacity

    Adena drops nerfed while expenses to farm increased (for example: soul ore)

    They have given us a nerfered version of the 16th anniversary

    They sell circlets as an event before they are released in game

    The sell dragon shirts as an event before they are released in game

    They sell agathions as event before a slightly different version is released in game

    They took away fishing events

    i could keep going but you get the point.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. Several timed hunting zones will be optimized to reduce the latency delay issue.

    @Juji  @Hime  

    WHAT DOES "OPTIMIZED" MEAN?  Why does instance need optimizing when 1/2 the map is not playable for most toons.  Why not "OPTIMIZE" all the locations under 103???  This should free up space for the instances and you can add back the mobs you took away for the last "OPTIMIZATION".


    I bet if I make this post super annoying, I'll get a response with a deletion but no actual answer because this same question has been ask 10 times already.

  4. Its freaking amazing that with all the money you guys take from us for "events" you cannot afford a test server to make sure things work as intended before launching.  It is sad that you guys expect us to continue to deal with these failures.  From the time you announced the update till today, one person could have locally tested files on a private pc and found the issues we have now and fixed them before going live.  This is what a company would do if you really cared about the work you do and the people you serve.  It is what you should have done if you cared about us and our support for you.

    • Like 3
  5. @Juji @Hime @anyone that will read this

    Its really sad to see all of these people experiencing the same issue, feeling the same way and getting nothing from the GM's/developers/community managers. 

    Its clear that a ton of us love the game and want to continue loving it but hate the way its being managed and hate the way we are not being supported.

    Please see how bad you are managing these situations and correct it!  We are here to support you, you need to be here to support us.  Does that not make sense to yall?

    NCSOFT, please support your community!!

    • Like 4
  6. On 11/27/2019 at 11:39 PM, Cyan said:

    Prestige Pack subscribers between November 1 through December 11 will receive a Prestige Holiday Bonus Pack

    Please review the criteria: 

    • Must have an active prestige subscription at any point between 12 AM PST on 11/1  and 12 AM PST on 12/11. 
    • If your subscription renews during the period you will be eligible.
    • If your subscription expires during or after the period you will be eligible.
    • If you make a new subscription during the period you will be eligible. 
    • If you have multiple subscriptions you will be eligible.

    @Juji "If your subscription expires during...."  So basically if I had a subscription that started on OCT 1 and ended 11/1, I'm covered in this criteria?

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