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Posts posted by Slycutter

  1. So lets sum this up:

    You nerf the only class that isn't hurt by the melee bug by -50% damage on their aoes making them less effective aoe without fixing any existing problems you create a new one?  Was there a reason for this change archers were just actually leveling so you couldn't have that?

    Then you come up with an even that gives worthless jewels for expensive rates.  $250.00 for 200 chests is stupid.  Worst than last event.  Maybe $250.00 for 2000 chests would of been more realistic since you have grind 100's of jewels to level up a a brooch which will not happen at these prices.  Nevermind no one needs level 1 or level 2 jewels, you get level3 jewels from exalted quests and people are looking at min level 4 or 5 jewels to get to at least great level 1.  No one i think has a superior jewel i know of yet too expensive lol

    Fix the store event by just 1 tweek - Fortune box should be at min a guaranteed 4 - 5 jewel.  No clue idea what jewel is but at least its upgrade from exalted.... its like giving people at a chance free R85 gear when exalted is equal basic r99 gear lol

  2. 16 hours ago, tgt273l2 said:

    Have a CP of 3 friends.  2 archers, nuker, tank/heal/buffer.  Half 106/ Half 107 with exalted gear/destiny/prestige/boss jewels.

    Do I just AOE at Phantasmal / Silent Valley / IT Crater / Blackbird-Atelia until I hit 110?

    That should take us... oh....  <sigh>  a few years?  Any advice for alternative locations?  We play live a few hrs a day but rest is afk grinding.

    PVE focus. Can spend some $$$ (not crazy).  Love the graphics and grinding nature of the game while having a few beers and shooting the crap with my friends.


    See its a very mix bag without knowing ur full gear setup.  I would say tanor is not a bad location if u want to party.  Don't wast time partying in pathasmal that is a solo or duo at best location.  IT crater never liked it as an archer too crowded and bad layout. Atelia too low of xp.


    Silent Valley - ok if you can aoe

    Tanor - ok if you can aoe

    Not knowing your gear fully cant really suggest much.  To be honest 106/107 is time look in the mirror and say am im going to spend on this game or not.  If you don't spend irl cash on NCcoins or events then 107/108 is highest u will ever get to be honest.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Light is always 5% Dark is always 20.


    Before the light and dark bs which makes no sense (they removed all that lore from game but left that mechanic) now you could set it yourself from 0 - 15%

    Nevermind a manor system that benefits the peasents and the lords if you knew what were you were doing.  Peasents would get adena for turning in crops and lords would get items they could only get from events or high level raids drops.  Was actually great system until NCSoft broke it.

  4. On 10/31/2020 at 9:00 PM, Undertaker2 said:

    This is why you still exp at AI and not better exp spots. DeX is still very effective for archers. For skill crit rate/dmg until you can afford better augments artifacts agathons and other skill crit modifiers.  I find that a ratio of 140 str and 85+ dex is still best for archers until 112+. And can afford the high end skill crit modifiers.  

    I haven't exp at AI in months you better update your spy drones lol

  5. 37 minutes ago, Karma2020 said:

    Where can we get the 7 day rod from Sly? <3 

    Santiago gives it Heine learn to fish quest also part of the supply quest that you give you a 7 day epic jewel set i think? I forget been awhile.  Its the quest another way to become stronger you get from herpaph in aden.  Also you get other quests from santiago to get reel fragments to ugprade a regular fishing pole to master rod.  Master rod level 1 is almost 100% (i never failed but i guess its possible) then you can upgrade that slowly to level 5 doing the quests and making adena as you go.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Chanix said:

    Those who think that high level enchantments are only due to restoration feats :" so you think some people don't have enough money to do it honestly, so you think too to chronos is full of cheaters, and you'll have to get used to it because in the future we'll see more and more high level items, and that there will always be inequalities, i's not different here, that's how life is".


    There is no way to get to the level of enchant without failing regardless of bonuses or money.  Even if that was case for 1 how do you have multiple cases of that?  There are not even that many enchants out there that would allow you to do that.

    If do a probability or statistically analysis of the chance gf getting to +20 or +25 or +30 it gets 100x times worse every enchant you go up.

    If you understand advance math here it is: (Probability was based on a 50%chance of success, Probability A was the chance of 30 successful enchant, I could get more technical but chances it happens is 0.5^30 so you think about infinitesimal small of a chance that is.   Sexdecillionth place is power 51.  1 in a trillion is 12 place btw. :)

    Probability of A occuring 30 time(s) = 0.530 = 9.3132257461548E-10

    Probability of A NOT occuring = (1 - 0.5)30 = 9.3132257461548E-10

  7. Happened again today just now.  Luckycharms +30 a limited R110 Bow.  Last bow that +31 was just regular no enchanted no bloody, this being limited is a game crushing bow only thing better would be level 3 dragon bow.

    Are we playing on a illegal server and some of us just haven't gotten the memo yet?

    How much does it cost to buy a GM for free enchants because might be cheaper than doing it the legit way.

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