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Everything posted by SilverRanger

  1. Sounds like the L2Pass progress was shared across alts in a single account. You could just farm low level areas using low-level alts very quickly. I like the idea of the L2Pass & think it should come back again, but it needs better & not lvl locked rewards, it needed to be another month longer, & it needed to be locked to a single character. I started about 12/07 and yesterday was about 200k points short of completing it for completing it on my main account. I was running my pc 24/7 from 12/07 to 1/12. Glad folks were able to use tricks to complete this event. Makes it feel really worthwhile playing this game.
  2. -- I think the stereotype outside the US is that Americans are perceived as richer
  3. -Better enchantment %s or a method of restoring failed enchantments w/ adena. -Lower grocer soulshot prices. 200k ss for >3mil adena is currently what I'm paying. Roughly 14.4 adena per ss seems like a lot even for no grade ss. -More individual raid bosses for A-grade gear. Don't care about the scrolls/gems/stones. Only care about getting access to higher level armor/weapons as a solo player. -PK system needs some tweaking to make PKing have some consequence. In-game justice/system doesn't make sense. PKing should really be limited to clan wars and sieges. Make guards/towns not allow reds inside. Have a reds only village or something even. Boost guard levels. If a red player gets hit/knocked out by a guard then the red player gets tp'd into castle dungeon. Maybe make a timeout or bail for adena or something? Archeage had a really good way in my opinion of handling this.
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