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Posts posted by Jinkariya

  1. 8 hours ago, Pope said:

    hahaha well this post is a perfect example of lies and toxicity coming from part of MS leadership.

    Anyways, i thought you didn't read my post, but yet you responded to sections in the middle of it, albeit with more lies. 

    Lets see these "dozens of videos" of you beating me, since you seem to say they exist. 

    "In which part are we shifting in huh?" The server is shifting away from MS being a dominant clan.  You still have quite the siege force, but your clan barely exists outside of siege.  

    Accept war? We play on our terms not yours. Anyways, war is up bro and been up well before you posted any of this trash, try logging in once in a while... oh yeah MS is a dead clam. Members either dont log in, or drop tag. RIP


    While you busy crying here and making stupid propaganda we busy killing dragons you have failed :P  But hey MS is dying and doesn't exist outside of Sieges oh and we just wiped your clan after dragons also poor nova lvled up the cursed weapons for nothing :P 

  2. 3 hours ago, Pope said:

    Just a little critique of your comments tho, yes crows tagged with us, but even with them tagged, you still out numbered us, and each siege MS spends more and more time just running back from town.

    Lol I didn't even bother to read all your cries poopy doo seems like you salty much MS outnumbers you did you forget to count FS again son? I find it funny how you always forget to count all those clans who help you I mean like really the great Renovatio couldn't summon 10 cps during sieges lol and you're saying and let me quote your stupidity " There is a reason the server is shifting, and shifting quickly"   In which part are we shifting in huh? you guys dropped war which I think was funny you forgot to mention :P As for videos I have dozens of videos to upload I just don't upload it cause it take's too much time which I don't wanna waste I barely even upload any video at all since there's nothing to brag anymore Olympiad is too easy I mean you can cry all out that you lent your gears or whatever but you've used brooch BR on that fight which is pretty stupid to say that you didn't have gears that's why you lost with a dragon weapon stage 2 but hey Nova is the poster child for stupidity nowadays :P

    PS: Poopy and to any Renovatio who can accept war please accept the war for the love of god we getting tired of having to clean up pks after having to pk you everytime we see you out of town :(  

    2 hours ago, ChocolateChip said:


    Who attacked whos castle first last siege? Because I remember relaxing at Giran and then having FistingTime/Aratus (2 DW) party come and kill us. May I add that we had no intention of going to attack any castle that siege, as we did not even put consumables on until after we decided to return the favor.

    See ya next siege!

    P.S. It was funny seeing full parties of MS lined up off siege zone because we wiped them when they entered :D 

    Know your place child you don't want us to come to your exp spot like last night and PK your whole party again :)  Stay neutral and we'll probably not kill you "probably" :D 

  3. Lol what you expect Renovatio can't do anything by themselves in order for the to siege they needed to absorb people from clans like Crows then kick them from clan after siege. As for Dragons they are failing to kill any dragon with them alone so they had to ask the biggest alliance in NCwest Apex alliance (with 2 dragon weapons bow and slasher) to help them out. 

    And here you see this guys pope claiming victory as if they have anything worth mentioning they have no castles, lost pvps over and over again to the point they had to drop war lol 

  4. 4 hours ago, Pope said:

    Remind me again who you are?


    To iVirtual, we appreciate the help. Keep up the good work sir!

    Its been quite the rough period for MS recently, spiraling downward almost as fast as they mass recruited to get to where they are now.  They fail activity, fail nightly pvp, fail dragons, and fail oly.  Its only a matter of time before they crumble entirely.  It's pretty clear that Chronos is tired of their Toxic BS and this can been seen in their desperate attempts to recruit new members despite the fact that no one wants to join them.  The shouts last night that I found the most entertaining was Zu claiming that he "has a surprise for us once server transfers open."  My question is, who wants to join a toxic, desperate, and dying clan? Do you really think they can be saved, and even if they can, is it worth it? There is a reason the server is shifting, and shifting quickly.  Even if these new people join MS, how long will it be before they regret their decision? 

    What nonsense propaganda is this poop?

    Failing PvP 

    Nova dropping wars to farm field RBS and macro Exp. We're PKing you guys out of town everytime we see you nowadays :P 

    Failing Oly


    Dragon weapon Slasher stage 2 getting killed by an Iss Heirophant :D  

    Fail Sieges


    Nova even after absorbing Crows etc,getting help from FS and TheFallen fails to get any castle in Chronos due to their incompetent leadership :( 

    Fail Dragons


    First Clan in NCWest to kill the new dragon Fafurion killed it faster than MAX clan from Naia :)  


    Nice attempt on propaganda poopy doo wish you just focus on getting better at this game than making nonsense propaganda :P  

  5. On 11/05/2019 at 9:15 AM, VNDragon said:

    It typical cancer of chronos and l2. Jinkariya why can u said gf and that the end it of. They cry when no one come pvp them but when people do it a scary thing to them.

    No one is scared of no one it's a game; I just enjoy adding insult to injury specially to those players who thinks they're the best just because they can spend money in this game :P 

  6. 20 hours ago, VNDragon said:

    QQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ. That all i heard from this noob. they QQ when people dont come to ds but when people do they got scare and QQ hard. Again read the post before u make any not too smart comment. "Max does not care for castle in ds, we there for pvp fun and yes it really killing noob ms yesterday. Also i guess this noob die so much he QQ to the gm about daddy scroll lol. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/12632-who-want-rune-in-ds-from-ms/

    You came to this forums and declared that your clan will come to siege and shouted out and trying to give away Rune castle which is ours and pretend as if you attacking our castle is a sure win and we'll lose it. Now you're salty and your ego is hurt and you make yourself and your clan look pretty stupid with what you just did. But hey you know at least you guys tried better luck next time VNDog

  7. On 30/04/2019 at 10:57 PM, VNDragon said:

    Max will join ds once again this coming week. Who want to cast rune can come and take it, we have no interested in holding that castle. Let make Lineage great again and take some of the cancer away. Also we do not make video that 2 hours long into 3 min long to show how great we are.

    Now you look stupid making this post lol 

  8. @Juji requesting for you guys to bring back this item, with the appearance of stage 2 and stage 3 dragon weapons the survivability of most players have become even way lesser and after you remove this item's availability in ncstore it's even worst so if you can kindly put it back as a normal item in ncstore just like the valiant scrolls that will be appreciated.

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  9. MS+DH emerged victorious in defending against The Fallen Renomax zerg meanwhile the former MS member Weinerthezon was crying hard during siege that the MS+DH alliance outnumbers them which is a total but if that will help heal up his bruised ego then we'll just agree to that. And before I forgot congratulation to DH for taking aden back 

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