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Everything posted by Lhbr

  1. I think the game should be more worked for instances, stop a little with this 24/7 grind with this auto farm system that they created. It would be really cool if there was a series of instances that players CAN DO, a player 107 can enter with their PT 107 full exalted and manage to make the instances stop leveling, even if it takes a while, giving a nice amount of exp, like the 10 tri that IT provides. That scheme of you will go Storm Isle After Primavel Isle and IT and ended your day is not funny. There are several instances in Aden and I can't go and I'm a Feoh 108 with a bloody +12 weapon with a +10 set. Mobs don't even blink. The current EXP for killing normal mob is good, what is missing are add-ons, so we can play the game and not leave it at the auto farm
  2. Please @Juji i need informations for this
  3. Can you tell me if LUC in the char influences opening boxes?
  4. Good night, I have a question, and I would like to understand. @Juji About the instances that we have in the NPC of aden, that includes our beloved Kamaloka, I would like to understand why. Why is this instance this way? It requires a minimum level of 105, but a player 105 will never make it, imagine you. Start playing lineage, do all the quests exalted, buy prestige on the site, buy the rare acessory pack and go there, imagine 7 players doing this and entering the instance, this instance is essential for the UP, do you know what will happen? None of those instances there, you will be able to do anything. You will die incredibly fast, even with a tank too, you will not inflict damage on monsters, why? what do we need to do to get into a game and go at an instant of our level? Please I would like to understand.
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