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  1. On a funny note They are implementing AI in the event system thus it will be more "humane" , After failing for 1 year the AI will trigger itself and raise our enchant rate and boost morale with words of wisdom: Give me your CVV code, i already know your CC info !!! AI, the best thing to come in the gaming industry ... talking to a toaster oven. P.S it can fix server crashes too :))) Kinda like a colonoscopy but when you are trying to do it yourself in front of an audience and wait for applause. :)))))
  2. In other MMOs there is a monthly pole and community votes and that's the next paid event. simple. Nothing wrong with ppl wanting something, especially if it brings euro and for us adena in-game. Cool!
  3. Read carefully what i wrote. "Until then: just keep quiet for things You don't understand." :)) you're right, i don't understand the "things" , I do however understand the new dynamics will unfold if they remove the cap for ALL nukers in general and not per class. "And THEN: You come to share opinion, pls.." Relax, its not just MY opinion.
  4. I don't know if it's too late for this poll or not, but too many good friends quit already. I agree with all Ando said, I played since Teon Franz etc back in 2005 when we were all happy with less. IMO, the fact that all % chance is so low is also a high frustration rate. Enchant, craft, event boxes, etc., and mats only from events that we can't use to finish an item. Still missing claws for more than a year.
  5. 400 % MATAK just from bbr , every item just gives more compared to warrior class , and they want more ... If you get it, i rly hope that you will, what Sayha's Seer is going to become compared to a normal mage ? Or mby this should not be generalized and m.crt rate/dmg should be increased individualky for each mage class?
  6. with that been said , i rest my case . BTW why always Wissp has to give the bad news?
  7. No joy in making something yourself , rates are rly rly bad . for some reason now enchants start directly at 50 % some even lower , where are the other 50% go i dont know. ....
  8. The windows tool wont give much info but yea. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WinMTR statistics | | Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last | |------------------------------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|------| | | atl-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net - 86 | 101 | 15 | 138 | 138 | 140 | 139 | | nash-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net - 96 | 97 | 4 | 0 | 143 | 144 | 143 | | dls-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net - 92 | 98 | 8 | 0 | 154 | 155 | 154 | | dls-b24-link.ip.twelve99.net - 0 | 159 | 159 | 156 | 158 | 189 | 157 | | dls-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net - 0 | 159 | 159 | 154 | 155 | 173 | 156 | |ncsoft-ic317391-dls-b22.ip.twelve99-cust.net - 0 | 159 | 159 | 152 | 153 | 184 | 153 | | 64.25.32-26.ncsoft.com - 0 | 159 | 159 | 152 | 154 | 180 | 153 | | 64.25.32-116.ncsoft.com - 0 | 159 | 159 | 152 | 153 | 183 | 152 | |________________________________________________|______|______|______|______|______|______| Some issues "Telia Company AB " TX, Dallas @ atl-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net -> dls-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net ( public ) AS 1299 TWELVE99, ISP AS from TELIA .
  9. I have some questions related to our events: 1. By how much are the rates increased ? 2. Why are the rates increased once or twice per year and only during a payed event? 3. Why is the payed event so expensive in relation to applied enchanting rates? 4. Why is the price of a +15 Elmore cloak so expensive ( trillions of adena) and of course how it was arrived at those prices? 5. Because of the EXTREAMLY low rates and poor event quality, how much Ncoin a player have to buy for a +20 cloak with decent aguments in NC store? 6. Can someone consider that our poorly managed payed events can encourage Real Money Trade, Exploits(pve/pvp), Hacks(event/enchants), Packet sniffing(sieges/pvp) and in some cases personal information stealing -- which may or may not be -- under your care or management? 7. Last question, do you consider that our cloak events increase the gaming experience ? Please consider that at least two years have passed since we had decent events and rates and situation is still degrading. Thank you.
  10. same and a lot of ppl have .
  11. Game experience was great yesterday before 19:00 GMT + 2 , after that huge lags , i exited game hoping u guys will find a fix today . Here we are today after maintenance, lag is even worse. Signal 9 please because you don't stick your hand to fix the engine while it is running. Thank you for your consideration, The user. P.S. pls ***** slap the one responsible, ty.
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