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Posts posted by BoomHeadShot

  1. You're wrong Stan. I was shouting for BW boots/helm and gloves for the last 8 days and got 1 response from a guy that kept jacking his price up. I was offering 16.5kk for just those 3 items.. That is not unreasonable and I am not cheap. The economy is dead StanX..thats just Facts. Oh and this game....is dying just as quickly.

  2. Well folks, it's official...The game is dead... It's Saturday night on Gludio Server and Olympiad cannot run due to lack of participants.. Main clans have quit the game and the server is in ruin.. You cannot even buy BW anymore..

    I have been trying to say things will get better for too long. Devs won't merge dead servers (god only knows why)...This would literally be the only thing that would keep the economy alive. Hey @Juji and @Hime why not just make us an NPC that you can buy anything up to B Grade at? Players cannot farm at the high lvl areas because everything one shots you. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR GAME.

    Is there any help gaming to fix this game and the high level spots (Ketra, Imp Tomb, Varka etc etc etc...)? Will you merge servers? If not, time to move on folks, it's only down hill from here. Ill be leaving on Aug 27th if things dont change, and I think you can all guess where Ill go.

  3. Can someone please confirm for me how VIP bonuses work when you are in a party with people ranging in VIP levels? 

    Does it take an average or go with the highest? Lowest? Leaders vip level? Does anyone know for sure and not just guessing?


  4. Honestly stop all your whining people. I think ALL of us thought the cake event was water under the bridge. But they went to the Devs for us and got as at least some exp...THIS GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE A GRIND. Stop whining because everything isn't being given to you...No matter what the GMs do people moan and complain. Thank you GMs for trying please know that some of us appreciate the exp and your efforts.


    Think of it this way people. Now you can lvl characters your clan needs, create clan parties and earn that SP..the old fashioned way..actually hunting!

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  5. May I make a suggestion with the Lottery style events you guys put on?

    Can you start making these a little more "winnable"? If people are going to drop $100 on an event they should at least be able to win something valuable and not a bunch of mood melody scrolls and other junk... Maybe make the prizes not so GRAND (S-Grade Weps), and make them B-Grade instead maybe? A-Grade at max?

    I can tell you that on my server, no one is participating in this event at all... No one... Because the chances of winning anything even half-decent is astronomical. Coax people into buying into events and you WILL make more money. Can we maybe have a % chance to win database for each item/tier? Really anything above will improve your cash flow and keep your community much happier. People caught on after the Oriana event that these events are a money pit and you can't win anything..

    As usual, thanks for all you GM's do. Keep up the good work. (Not being sarcastic)

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