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Posts posted by JackStow

  1. 1 hour ago, Okay said:

    I feel this game die in 5 months just like the EU.

    not really, actually the game dies the second you dont have sayha grace anymore. xp and adena drops the the lowest level I've ever seen, you cant even afford teleport, not to mention spirit ore.. I mean, I do get the point that this is a money grabber, but you need to keep the free players alive to provide fun for the wales.. think smart nc, I know you can do it. cheers

  2. 2 hours ago, Ashi said:

    No need to spend real money on adena farmers, if you can figure out how to macro farm you can earn enough adena to equip D, C, and maybe even B grades without even getting pass level 40 just utilizing the NPCs in Giran and Aden.

    A party of 3 Dark Wizards starting from scratch can get from 20~40 and net you 2~3M within a few days if you manage to keep the party alive, unstuck, and hunting as much as possible. The Shadow servitor has a passive Vampiric Rage and helps them survive more. The summon's p.atk increases a great deal after every skill level up and they'll do all the damage, you just need to pickup and heal.

    Go to Abandoned Camp and hunt Ol Mahums

    Lv20~24 Guards, Stragglers, the weak ones.

    Lv25~29 Generals, Officers.

    Lv30~35 Commanders.

    Go to Ant Nest next

    Lv36~40 Captains, Overseers


    The tricky part is to setup the party macro.

    setup... party macros.. :ph34r:xD

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  3. Sure @Hime, I stayed hunting in Silent valley for a week, and I was earning an average of 25k adena per hour. The thing that made me ask that is because i noticed that a lot more mobs do not drop any adena at all, but those who drop, still dropping the same amount of adena that was before. So I started to check how much I am earning now and I'd say it is an average of 15k adena per hour. So I'll suggest you in investigating the drop rate instead of the drop amount (even I still think the drop amount is too low :x)

  4. @Hime @Juji may i ask you guys how do you feel provoking so much rage and discontentment to your player base? i mean, we should be your focus, if you guys are making us, players, happy, we do spend more money in game, but you are doing totally the inverse, you are causing rage on us, forcing us to spend more money to try to make things better, but it did not get any better, and we became more and more frustrated.. so eventually we will quit the game, we will complain in every place about ncsoft and how do you deal with lineage, and we will prevent new players to join your server, and so you will lose your profit..  this is how every market works... think about it please

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