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Posts posted by Euph0ria

  1. @Juji @Hime

    Eviscerator Right Sidetep level 29 (learn at lvl 109) is bugged. Instead of 30% decreased resistance to fists it just decreases 10%, At level 108 was 30% and at level 110 is also 30%, you messed up in between.

    Since I will stay at 109 for a long long time, would like for it to be addressed :D 

    Thank you!

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  2. @Juji @Hime

    We, the players who keep the server alive, would like to get some kind of feedback on this.

    Enough of RMT scam, enough of high NCstore prices. I bet you'd still get much income by reducing the prices as more people could afford to pay!

    Make game fair or you'll lose even more players.

    You did one right thing this whole time, the past XP event and that's it. Everything else is heavy pay to play.

    P.S: Push Korea to fix Wynns :D 

  3. Highest Wynn from Naia is iPatriska at lvl 112.

    Probably that 114 Wynn is from Chronos, but don't get fouled by Opympiad status as those reflect the higher lvl of the character, not the class. You can have a Wynn main lvl 110 and Yul dual lvl 116 and at Oly it will show Wynn 116 :P Weird as fuk


  4. For Glory: NPC Says to fight 10 times, quest is actually 80 times.

    Befitting of the Status: NPC says to gather 1 acessory item, quest actually asks for 5.

    For Honor: NPC says to fight 20 times, quest is actually 100 times.

    Confronting a giant monster: NPC says he has a easier quest, but still asks you to kill 3 epics +  Ekimus and 3 CC armed.


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