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Everything posted by Jew

  1. Hello Looking for active / social players to join our community . Party formations , Daily live activities( from 20:00+EET ) including : raids /most instances /pve/pvp . We use discord and teamspeak . Requirements : friendly , social , Mentally strong Pm or leave a note here for more informations !
  2. There are plenty of reasons why our servers are like they are now , and I might be shortsighted on this , but my opinion is : The thing is our classic ( NA version ) has different L2Store items , variety is different etc (and offcourse more expensive KR shop) some with different stats and skills , Stable enchants etc THAN the real classic in Korea , where you are considered crap without a +10 set/jewels and +14 ++ weapon . Current content was a massacre for meele players , especialy casuals . Farming with a meele cp is inneficient , a death or two a day might even leave you with less % after a day of farming . only way to progress is to farm with one or two characters in party while having buffers/dancers/singer outside of party ( bleeping insane game killer and a lot of Alt-tabing which makes me crazy ) Overall assessment : There is no better server IMO ofc , Personally I am waiting for better days to come , go forward and have fun with clanies . And about the ponies , you can send hate messages to the game developers
  3. I used 2h blunt + othels , the crits were nice
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