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Posts posted by JinLeamak

  1. As a soulhound  I ove the class, but it needs a seriuous boost to be competitive at all in mass PVP.

    -Debuffs have extremely long cool down.

    -Debuffs last for 3 seconds and 5 seconds IF they land.

    -Our best debuff Steal Divinity does not function and has long cooldown.

    -Every skill we have is 600 range or less. Hard to tear into a mage or archer when at 900 range you get a nuke/arrow to the face.


    What I like to see is either equal debuff time to other classes or equal cool downs

    Our meat and potato skill Steal Divinity to actually work..

    Range or better defenses to have a chance to get in close and mele it up or use any of our skills.

  2. I am considering a few upgrades. Before I do i need some info. I want to buy a beefed up S Grade Rapier, but there is no way to know if it has been restored prior to buying. So the question at hand is this. If i buy said S Grade rapier and it HAS been restored , I enchant it and it blows up.....will I be able to restore the weapon. God knows everyone will say their item has not be restored.

    The restoration policy needs clarification. Is it 1 restore per item per account? Is it Item can be restored once. Can i buy that weapon and enchant it ,fail and give to another account? If the answer is no , we need to have a symbol or something on items that have been restored once.

  3. At this point I think that elemental zones need drops. Cant get crafting components there. Even a little adena to maintain shots would be nice. There is not enough space on the map currently for solo hunting.Some will say its not a solo game, but I prefer the solo content.At very least allow crafting drops in elemental zones.

  4. Epic Bosses need to be increased to 82 , The server is 80 running on B grade and cant farm lower level bosses for epic jewels in the current format.

    Also not being able to sell materials to the shop screwed the economy.

    Looking for a real answer here. With Varka,IT,Ketra and Lair being non huntable to 98% of the people how do you expect people to make adena?

    Can cram the whole server into garden or forgotten island? Lets be reasonable.

    The fact we can

  5. Quote

    Changed so that Adena cannot be obtained when selling recipe and crafting materials to the store.

    This in no way should be allowed to happen. There are never alot of Buy shops for most base mats. Selling to the shop is really the only way I get my shot money together. If this is happening a few things would need to happen. Extreme boost in adena drops. And adena would have to drop in ALL areas of the map. Please look into this before it is implemented.Think to yourself , how will they actually make adena, its bad enough as is.

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