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Posts posted by RibaS

  1. all server complain abut this HUGEEEEE  lag  and no one from L2 TEAM  APOLOGIES OR TRY TO FIX IT !!!!!!

    Oups i forgot  it weekend   sorry about this post we can talk again from Monday   soz again l2team!!!!!!

    good vacations and nice sleep !!!!!

    all is good in server  :)

  2. 6 hours ago, iRage said:

    Hi, good morning.

    Any info on 3 client limitation? I know i'm not the only one who prepared for using more then 3 boxes on a pc, so you guys might give us some info about it. Will it be lifted, will it not be lifted? So we could stop wasting our and your time asking about it. It's annoying seeing all these questions about client limitation, seriously (it makes us look like clowns asking). Not just about it, but also about dual-mail class service, next update news (i won't even dare ask for patch notes cause i know it's only 10min before server comes back from update that you guys post it anyway). Just have some respect for your players (or customers depending on how you guys see us). Thanks a lot.

    dude as u see the 1st botters appear at rune today 

    so the 3 client is only for us to dont know how we can raise  more game clients  or we dont have some legal programs.

    GMs  mast do something about this  u remember the video in aden with sommoners to run teleport  point X   after Talk to npc for dimensional (video post 2hrs)

    or remember blazing swamp  fullll of bots??  no one ban this toons !!!!

    but when we receive the update bots cant log in and server is super healthy!!!!!!!

    thats before 1 week now  all take the same road no one cares for  active ppl in game or here !!!!!

    So keep playing  no need to ask something to be better here   bo ones can hear u!!!!


  3. At last fix it all ppl many months now complain about dcs   

    stop the advice all time your pc or your isp  etc etc etc  AND FIX YOUR SERVER OR CHECK YOUR ISP PROBLEM   !!!!!!!!

    at last its tooo tired 

      we lost instances we lost time  from prestige   we lost time from drop runes 200%  this items is not free to play!!!!!

  4. 2 days now nc launcher cant log my game  easy i mast restart it many times 

    problem dont find connection  or stop it in screen before the main screen  to push start button.

    failed to receive a response from update server.

    check your isp firewall etc etc.

    bla bla bla


    i have 3 internet online games ( form epic  and steam )

    only lineage2   have this problem and only in this 2 last days 

    i dont change anything on my pc .

    • Like 2
  5. 15 hours ago, Reider said:

    Hello all,

    Yes, mate, the game is umpredictable nowdays. I had already wirted at other post that the game life of player in game is unstable; whole week all players are hited by unwarned changes. I think the l2 is the only one that doesnt warn previously the players about his changes. Before wednesday the game is one, after wednesday is other; fallowing these changes coming several bugs, lag, crashes, and other crazy things like 3 client limation that didnt fix the latency issue.

    May one day the game get back normal situation and we can be happy again, rsrs.


    i agree !!!!!  +1

  6. 18 hours ago, mixa said:

    I'm completely serious. Also avoid telling me what to do, especially when you have no clue, lame.

    tsk tsk tsk mixas angry??????   ohhhhhhhhhhhh     

    u can see the real life from your window???

    or u are play from the basement  ass all troll  live in dark caves   hahaahahahahha

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