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Posts posted by Layria

  1. @Juji It is very encouraging to see so many things being corrected in game.  LCoin Store, Nerfing GC/AL/DV etc, and now making all epics lvl 85 is another great step in the right direction.

    If L2 is every truly going to be great again, you need to reinstate some sort of client limit.  I know this will be very unpopular with some of the botters and adena sellers, and I am not even 100% sure it can be done fairly and effectively.  But look at the dice event....as great as it was, those who bot or loop 24/7 and can run dozens of characters through a day get multiple times the rewards.  And for the course of the event, thats all those people focus on, no other content, so it actually kills life on the server.  The game needs to be about more than just how many keys you can run at one time.  I'm not saying go back to 3 client limit, but if there was even a way to limit it to 9 clients for an IP/day, it would help without alienating 98% of the botters.  Maybe up the rewards a bit to make up for inability to run so many clients.  Same can be said for regular drops.  Up the adena/drop rates so players can afford to play their mains without having run a bot train or buy adena to get by.  its not a perfect solution, and I am sure some people will find a way around the limits, but I guarantee it would help.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Juji said:

    The dev team is in the development process now to restore the loop macro function in the new UI. They are analyzing ways to effectively add it back since they cannot revert the UI to the previous version. We will let you know more details as soon as they are shared to us this week.

    This is very good news. 

    Please implore them to reinstate value to selling keys/mats to the NPC.  Having to manage inventory and weight now is just a tedious chore.  There are no buy shops for keys and mats.  While the idea behind it is great, it is not practical.  With the amount of gear dropping from mobs/raids and the rediclous cost of cloth and A-gems, crafting is just not viable. 

    Also please add our names back above out health bar.  With looping coming back, it will be hard to manage tiled clients without a name associated with each one.   

    And please add buffs/debuffs back to your targets.  This guessing game whether your debuffs landed or your enemy has buffed it is ridiculous.  

    And what about the other suggested fixes we provided?  Debuffs landing on Baium/Anathars?  Or Cancel working on bosses.  Or making all epics lvl 80 on a fixed spawn?

    And the part that is bugging me the most is this...... The reason given for removing looping is because it has already been removed from all other version of Classic.......But if this is the case, Why dont we have the same drop rates or content as all other versions of Classic?  Drop rates, L-Coin Store, etc?  The selective implementation applied to us is suspiciously malicious....

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  3. I honestly dont see how the game survives this.  I think you killed it.  This patch will even force botters to go full bot.  No more looping half a party with only a few toons on bot, you will now force even the botters to make a choice.  And how many of them will pay to have their whole parties on bot when 80% of the server has quit?  Wow, just wow.  This game deserves to die so NCSoft is forced to fire the people responsible for killing the game.  

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    • Thanks 1
  4. Wow, they really destroyed this game worse than was even imaginable.  I mean, wow.  The amount of money spent on runes and starter packs to create and level loops parties to farm adena, thrown in the trash.  And here I was thinking that making mats and keys worthless was the worst thing you could do for the game, you said "hold my beer" and proceeded to take a giant steaming poop in the heads of your customers.  You have literally just given people 2 choices, quit or bot.  GG NCsoft, all that will be left after today is botters.  

    • Haha 1
  5. Well now we know why Agathion Soul never dropped in our version of classic, they were waiting to give them to us in a P2W event

    At least Red Libra will sell 1st buffslot books for 4m adena, thats a bone.

    @Hime What about your Winter of War patch notes?  Any changes that we requested? There are many questions left unanswered...

    1. What will be the price of Blessed Spiritshots if you are removing regular Spiritshots from game?

    2. What will happen to existing Spiritshots?

    3. Do you still plan make mats and keys have no NPC value?


  6. I cant imagine a worse set of ideas than this patch.  There is so much that needs to be fixed, but instead you just break whats left even more.  With the nerfed adena rates, its already nearly impossible to cover the cost of shots, but now you will remove Spiritshots and force mages to use Blessed Spiritshots?  You already made crystals almost worthless by removing SS craft from game, and now you will lower the adena value of crap items?  Noone is crafting anyway, and now you make mats and keys worthless as well?  WTF, seriously?  Maybe this would be ok if you tripled the adena rate or something, but instead you just cost us more and give us less?  All this while high end content is still broken.  Debuffs dont land on epics.  Cant cancel buffed bosses.  A grade gear is not attainable by the average player because of cloths and A-gems, which you could easily fix by giving us the L-Coin Store and adding A-gems to the grocery store.  The incompetence of the decision makers can only be deliberate at this point.  Why even introduce these patches in the first place?  All you do is drive more and more people from the game, as this patch certainly will.  You are making looping easier, which will just make it harder for people to find live players to play with.  You are making it more expensive adena wise to continue to play, which will force people to buy adena or quit...and most will quit I assure you.  This game is in a death spiral deliberately created by horribl decision making.  I understand all this is more than likely a test run for your new mobile version of the game, but why must you ruin the game for use while implementing and testing these things?  All you do is take away, and give nothing back.  You dont provide a way to replace what has been removed.  You should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves.

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