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  1. Its a legend just like the FF7 remake SirLouis, but it just has to happen
  2. I cant believe all these people crying for "I want my buff back" or more exp, or more bonus..... Why dont you guys ask the real things ? Like stop killing the fisherman market by giving elcyum to everybody on the server with events...... Or could the monster gives drops again ? Or why the hell they made spoiler and crafter almost useless ? Or why they undertook to break a beautiful game ? If ever NCSoft creates that Lineage 2 Remake......PLZZ Make it like the old Lineage 2 C1 to C3.........no more no less...... "talking about the systems here". The fun of this game was to fight and get drops and have luck and be happy, and fight for days for recipe and they where nice hard quest and mysterious ones like the quest for Strider.....etc....... Now the game feels empty.....almost soul less......MAKE AREAS That give enough exp for us to wanna fight manually....not automatically always..... Like areas that macros dont work....where you need to play with your skillz, and make those areas more exp..... Make it enjoyable again....make it Lineage 2 Again !.........not Payneage 2..... those are real arguments.....pfff...more exp...more instances....more buff.....bleeehhhh.......those are noobies requests.....can't believe you guys would be satisfied with such low demands.... Be honorable....at least speak real things and dont ask for stuff.... If the devs likes the game like us....I am sure some of them are not happy about the way it turned also..... On day maybe NCSoft will realize... If not .. I hope some L2 staff makes a team and re-group together in a small business and re-make an entire new game.....with the same basis systems.....has C1 and C3 !!!
  3. Down again 7/3/2020, reason unkown.
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