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Posts posted by DjThunder

  1. No guys ,there is no need to have +10 jewel to upgrade your Epic jewel lvl 3 to lvl 4.Is on the previous patch note !. YOU SHOULD had an Queen Ant lvl 4 and not getting any kind of Essence.The they had released the update of lvl 5 jewels ,check it there.GMs has to do their job and to restore or to give you an AQ lvl 4.It is their duty to know the patch not that they are releasing and not to copy paste from Japan eventually! 

    @Hime @Juji Fix it ,this guys is 100000% right!

  2. Hello,

    This week was a week from hell .Everyday random d/cs .Yesterday i had 5 times all clients out after i was login everything Boom D/c.

    It supposed that you had moved your servers for eliminate that problem but it comes back and in very aggressive way.

    It is not only me but alot of ppl are having that issue.


    PS:When i d/c i have checked my internet connection ,even through the router ip and i my last ISP d/c was a year ago.




    We are tired to pay you and to do not get anything back.We cant PVE,we cant PVP.The only thing that we are getting is Pay2win events and none fix !

    You get our money but you dont work to open the map,and to balance the classes.As i alway say to my beloved m8s .THE BASICS.

    @Juji @Hime

    • Like 1
  4. The quick and easy fix is to reduce more the areas of :Lair of antharas,Dragon valley,Imperial tomb and Tower of insolence.


    Asking for opening the map will never happen ....

    They had proved us that the won't do it .2 years+ now nothing had happened except changing the mobs in these 4 regios only.


    So,please reduce more these regio ,so the people that are not having adrenaline and OP gear will stop spending there adena /time at elemental 76 zone while they are 84 lvl .

    The region's above are wide enough for all server ,if eventually nerved enough.


    Cheers 😘

  5. Hello,

    This new system of flagging the others even if you like it or not is sux.

    First of all by reducing the penalty by dropping clan to 1minute ,you just destoying clans and unity.

    In my opinion ,if you want to fix pvp status ,you have to remove completely the dettaging system until the war is ended.

    Everyone will have pvp and all of us will be happy.

    Clan UI sux also,you cant see the clan skills only at your passive skills.

    Bloody Crystals?It supposed you would fix that also somewhere between 2030?

    You added more levels to clan but without fitting more members in it?Whats the purpose then to have a clan for example level 10?

    Pay2Win events that some of us has been missed,has to be placed at L2Coin store for an extra month of so,so we could get them.

    For example calculate the price that costs with NCoins and place it there with Lcoins ,so we could spend real money to get Lcoins and to buy these ITEMS.

    The profit will be up and down the same or maybe a little bit of higher cause we had missed the events. 

    Feel free to add more if i forgot some of them.


    • Like 2
  6. I was not a ninja ,i did 5-0 the last day and i claimed it back ,if that bug was not there ,i would be 26 PTS in front of you!

    My problem is that bug exist from day 1 that they had released the new weekly based olympiad and they have no fix it yet!

  7. I totaly agree.This server is a summoners server only.Daggers are ZERO,my ARcher is ZERO,Gladiators are ZEro.These classes where always legendary classes and now ,noone has them or playing them.You are going to SIege and its like a ZOO that needs a ZOO keeper!

    Normal Shot gives more damage than DOUBLE shot!Then why do we have that skill ???

    Not mention overal the balancing between classes is 0.

    Ok the pay2win Staff,somehow you need to get paid and we are paying you but after that WORK also to fix your bleep server!


    Havent you tried for example to play with a dagger 80 lvl at WOA?As GMs?Woa=76,and 4 skills are evading .

    Why not balancing the classes?Why no new areas for exp?

    3 years later and you still havent relesed a new map ,instant of that you took back ADEN castle and overal SIEGES.

    You had made the already OP Summoner class more OP and the rest we could go to hell?

    Please FIX THE SERVER ,so we could continue play and pay you.Otherwise SHUT IT DOWN.

  8. This is becomes really frustrated to try to get your hero and to lose pts because it didnt teleport you the game mechanism inside the arena.The char was not incoming ,was not exping or pvping ,i was just waiting to get into the arena and it just failed to teleport me ! Result: -25 pts.

    This is not the first time that happends and not only to me but to alot of players.Today from 1005 pts ,i jumped to 980 because of that bug.

    Are you going to fix it or not ?? Its the 3rd time that i am losing the hero because of that bug.


    @Hime @Juji

  9. Hello,


    Next week is the 2 year anniversary of the opening of the classic server!

    -still the map is the same,you have to open the map eventually!

    -Castles has to be reopened

    -Dungeons has to be added

    -Since auto-hunt has been introduced,you have to remove clients restrictions.No need to have restrictions cause we cant farm adenas or place to all mobs to drop adenas.

    -Lineage 2 his core is PVP and we have none.

    -pay2win items ,no need them,want to earn money?make it as it was with subscription like 5€ per month,or add everything at l2 coin store and sell l2 coins!!!

    -85 level with S gear and still is not enough to farm at LOA or TOI and ppl are strangling to reach the top players by hunting in elements region that are 76 level.Seriously??

    Skills not working, unbalanced classes!Is better to say ,guys we had failed and server will close ,rather this.illegal server with much more contest are existing and are better than yours that you own the game.

    Hope you do something!We want to play,not to work for playing!

    @Hime @Juji


    Ps:My graphic bug still remains,1y ago post and still nothing.I had opened a ticket ,they answered me to open a topic so developers will see it but still zero,nada.

  10. @Juji @Hime my problem with the shaders is still remains!Cant play at Forgotten island ,Can you answer me how to fix it ? It is 1,5 year ago and still no answer!!

    Ticket leads my here but you dont reply!!Dont tell me about Graphic drivers i have the latest 09/09/2020 ,direct x latest,Graphic card AT RX580. 

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