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Events that causes peeps to log in massive amounts of toons


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I know that people like some of these events, but for me the events that give things out for free these are the worse for melee toons. (You can add EXP events to this rant also). All around the event managers you see soo many characters whose soul purpose is to click the event ticket and just take up space. Wellll the more characters on and the melee lag begins. Now i know there are those who will say "i don't have any lag, it must be you", well yeah its me. But for some reason it wasn't me before all these toons logged in..Imagine that  :). In some far off distant future this melee lagg issue will be fixed and become a thing of the pass. Guessing that will probably be when i'm sitting next to Jesus in that gaming room that he built just for me. Nahh, if i'm playing L2 it'll still have lagg up there im sure. (Assuming i make it up there)

Edited by Ganealf
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They will never be able to completely fix the lag. Fewer people in-game certainly doesn't help matters , though.

I'm all for XP events. But lottery events like Oriana where the chances of winning are low, the countdown between prizes is an hour roughly, the number of prizes is low, and the players don't have to do anything to participate in the first place are always problematic for me. If you want to do a lottery, just make it so that people can complete a daily quest to get a ticket (only 1 per account per week) which they keep in inventory. They can then log off and the prizes (yes, multiple winners for each item) are handed out the following week during server downtime. During said event period, character and account creation are closed. Keep it simple.

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