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AWS Migration Latency Status


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  • L2 Team

Hello Everyone,  

With our AWS migration and server upgrade last week, we have several key latency issues that we have been actively working on resolving.

These latency issues are: 

  • Melee Attack Delays
  • Hourly Latency Action Delays
  • Server Capacity Latency

Melee Attack Delays 

This issue has seen some improvement, but many are still experiencing this latency especially when the servers are near or at capacity.

Hourly Latency Action Delays  

We have traced the action delays experienced every hour to an hourly server back. This backend process is vital to the health of our servers and happens on the hour, every hour. When the process initiates, many game systems including mail, warehouse, item usage, and more are affected for a few moments. We are working on reducing the impact from this process by reducing the resources it uses on the backend as well additional server hardware upgrades. In the meantime, please be conscious of this hourly backend process interrupting game actions at the top of each hour.  

Server Capacity Latency 

Many of you have reported various latency issues when the server population reaches Heavy or is at Max Capacity with a login queue. These issues range from general in-game action delays, rubber-banding behavior, and unstable game connectivity. We are aiming for the server upgrade to potentially mitigate this issue as well. When the maximum server capacity is reached, there will be a queue but we want to ensure those connected have little to no issues while playing. 

Future Compensation 

We originally increased the Party Hunting Bonus from +50% to +100% for one week as compensation for the extended AWS migration downtime on April 7. With a few ongoing latency issues, we are still planning to have additional compensation announced at a later date. It is important that we first address the latency issues immediately and assess the total impact afterward. 


We are striving to greatly improve the Live server stability and performance with the AWS datacenter, so we can deliver a better gaming experience for all players.

Thank you all for your patience as we make the necessary optimizations and server upgrades to improve Lineage II.

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