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Constant DC's and no Brez


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There are a lot of people complaining about various different things.  The largest issue I see are still the random DC's and the fact that we can no longer get BRez Scrolls.  When the boxes randomly DC, the party gets wiped.  It takes 5 Brez to get everyone back.  I have 3 sets of DC's today with party wipes.  Without Brez, it takes 5 days to recoup the loss of Exp.  When stored Brez run out, it is no longer feasible to play as parties will be going backwards.

Nevermind Adena and lower exp in general so to recoup will take even longer.  

Are there any plans to allow us to acquire Brez scrolls?

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Where you located? DCs aren't so common over here.

I noticed DC will get impacted by how much load your pc is getting sometimes, forexample on a crap pc if I load too many clients I seem to get more DC then if I do on a good pc.

Im really curious on their plan with brez aswell but I think their plan is to make you pay $$ for brez so like event  p2w boxes most likely or l2coins.

It seemed free before but technically you were paying cash monthly for them as a VIP6+.

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Hi, unfortunately the client is quite sensitive to bad internet and weak PC (as JinLiu wrote). If you have a weaker PC, I recommend using "optimize performance" in the options, but don't put it on DD. If the Internet is weaker, VPN (WTFAST etc ...) will help a lot. Maybe I helped you somehow.


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I live just outside of Houston, TX, I have a Core i9 with 16GB of RAM.  I have run packet loss tools and don't have any issues.  It is weird because if I have 9 clients open, one will randomly drop, then another.  Sometimes all boxes drop except my DD. 

If they get us fair priced Brez availability, I can live with the DC's.  

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On 3/19/2022 at 4:50 AM, JinLiu said:

Where you located? DCs aren't so common over here.

I noticed DC will get impacted by how much load your pc is getting sometimes, forexample on a crap pc if I load too many clients I seem to get more DC then if I do on a good pc.

Im really curious on their plan with brez aswell but I think their plan is to make you pay $$ for brez so like event  p2w boxes most likely or l2coins.

It seemed free before but technically you were paying cash monthly for them as a VIP6+.

I have a ryzen 5 3600 system with 32 gb of ram with the game on a NVME SSD and a 100/50 megabyte/s up/down connection. I could litterly drive to the data center hosting the servers and I would disconnect with as few as one game client running.  My tracerts and pings were flawless under 50ms and no other game ever had a connection issue.  I had the issue on  various i5/i7 systems and even on a q6600 system.  The disconnects are what drove me to completely quit the game a few years ago. Attempting to level would result in me deleveling due to disconnect deaths. My ryzen and i7 systems barely noticed lineage 2 running and it was the only thing I was running outside of the minimum stuff for windows.

I recently moved out of Texas to a new location in the USA and got the urge to see how the game is doing.  I got a disconnected fairly quickly with just two clients up. I couldn't even keep three up for longer than 30 minutes. So I just gave up again.


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